Wot no Eurovision Thread?!

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Welcome yourself into the new modern crisis
Despite the UK jury giving them null points.

It certainly felt like they won.


Master of the Inane Comment
Welcome to the BDS movement, Comrade.

Batchelor of Dental Surgery aside, I haven't moved over to the left. The presence or absence of Israel was irrelevant.

If politics ought to be kept out of it, then to be consistent Russia should also have been allowed to compete. Why should their song writing industry suffer for the actions of their government, which they may likely not approve of?

Funeral songs for a civilisation that is going down. Discuss ...


I don't have a strong opinion* on which countries should attend, but it seems there's a difference between Israel and Russia:
one of these countries has invaded another nation competing at Eurovision, the other is involved with an internal conflict (i.e. Palestine don't have a team competing in this tournament).

(*My meek opinion is that I like to see sport/music/art as being peaceful, and use its potential to build bridges. Throwing out the athletes or artists of certain countries just drives everyone further apart.)

Ian H

Legendary Member
I don't have a strong opinion* on which countries should attend, but it seems there's a difference between Israel and Russia:
one of these countries has invaded another nation competing at Eurovision, the other is involved with an internal conflict (i.e. Palestine don't have a team competing in this tournament).

Internal conflict? You would deny the right of Palestinians to their own homeland?
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Ian H

Legendary Member
Too busy woenking over Megan pictures? You need to kick that habit too.

You've completely lost me now.


Elder Goth
Since we're going political...

Several nations (Sweden, Lithuania and Poland among others) said they wouldn't compete if Russia were included which is why it was a "bigger deal" in terms of the contest. I suspect it might have been different if Palestine were competitors.

As for athletes, different kettle of fish that one; more down to state wide doping than armed conflict.
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