If we had a professional police service that behaved legally and morally correctly then perhaps we would not need activists the rein them in. That way innocent people could go about their business without fearing the very people supposed to protect them AND situations like Heidelberg can get resolved. It should not be an either/or decision.
Exactly - i've no idea if the German police are any better or worse in terms of upholding decent and professional behaviour - particularly around women - than the UK ones - pure prejudice on my part surmises the former .
But whether they are, or not, has no bearing whatsoever on this case of gross misconduct - and i mean gross in the widest sense - and any conclusions that might be drawn from it - or actions that should be taken as a result.
Nor do the academic pursuits of the victim, have any relevance to how she should have expected to be treated.
Yup the contract of trust has been broken.There's more...
'the undercover operation could not be justified as 'necessary in a democratic society' '
If we had a police service that behaved ethically then it wouldn't be able to mount operations like this one. If the misogynists were weeded out in recruitment then there wouldn't be anyone to do the dirty work.
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