They were only ever going to put it on iPlayer. It's manufactured outrage.
But why only on Iplayer? Why not on the TV proper?
But why only on Iplayer? Why not on the TV proper?
It's not a six part series, it's a five part series with a bonus.
Let's not overreact to news just because it may fit our narrative. We would lose credibility when criticising others for the same.
We've so far got two conflicting sides to the story. But one is from the BBC, our trusted national broadcaster. Let's not jump to conclusions.Maybe, but I think people are jumping on this story without knowing the whole truth
And you believe that?
If you do, I have a bridge I wish to sell you.
Remember, this is a company that has suspended Gary Lineker for an innocent tweet and allows Fiona Bruce to play down domestic abuse.
We've so far got two conflicting sides to the story. But one is from the BBC, our trusted national broadcaster. Let's not jump to conclusions.
Do we believe the WWF, who coproduced the bloody thing as a separate entity to the five part series?
View: https://twitter.com/wwf_uk/status/1634290349098057728?t=UOfGVUDvfKDb3h_I5z4Etw&s=19
I would believe the WWF right away as, at least, they know what's going on and there would be no over-exaggeration purely for the headlines.
Yes and why would it be placed in Iplayer and not on the main BBC channel? Isn't this a major issue that should concern us all?
I don't know, maybe it costs a bit more. Maybe it's not up to broadcast standards. Maybe they weren't offered it for broadcast. The point is that it's been brought up this week deliberately to feed into the culture war bollocks when it was never intended for broadcast and the decision was made some time ago.
Oh come on. Really!?
They would've known about this sixth part when they were planning the other 5.
It's not a sixth part. It's a different thing.
It doesn't answer the question why it cannot be shown on mainstream TV considering that this is a major issue concerning us all.
Just asking questions...
A question that needs an answer.