Are you still wearing a face mask?

Are you still wearing a face mask?

  • Yes - all of the time

    Votes: 2 5.7%
  • Yes - most of the time (in shops etc.)

    Votes: 27 77.1%
  • No

    Votes: 6 17.1%

  • Total voters
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Deleted member 28


Although at the Dentist I had to.

We never did at Work.
Yes, always, in shops. Wear it in the cinema if it's busy, but not if it's fairly empty. Don't usually wear it in pubs or restaurants but don't go to them if they are really busy anyway. Most round here still have dividing screens up so I might wear it as I walk to my seat. Not so worried about our household any more, but we have elderly neighbours and family with underlying issues so no harm in being cautious.


We wear ours when we go into shops, doctors, pubs, etc. but not outside and not at home.

How about you?

Pretty much the same.

I've been double jabbed, and had covid about a month ago , so fairly low risk to myself or others, but it's a pretty small thing to do really.

And it will probably help, it doesn't hurt,

If more of us do it, more of the time it becomes a normalised public health device ..

Plus think of the fortune I'm saving on lipsticks



Old man on a bike. Not a member of a clique.
South Tyneside
I suppose we are in a “vulnerable” group (74yo, with pre-existing health conditions).

We carry a mask with us, in case it is needed. Only use it if requested to do so (which is rare). We are triple jabbed. We avoid crowded spaces if possible, go to supermarket at 07:00am when it is quiet. So, generally attempt to reduce the risks, but, not at the expense of becoming a hermit.

Three of our offspring have had Covid, and two of the grandchildren. Otherwise we know only one other person who has had it.


Welcome yourself into the new modern crisis
I have to at work, I choose to elsewhere. All indoor public spaces although I try to avoid crowds anyway. No busy shopping centres or anything. It's so utterly normal now and is a tiny thing I can do which has the potential to make a big difference. Bigger if everyone joins in but hopefully if they see my mask then people will feel better about keeping theirs on and not submit to the peer pressure of removing it.

Going swimming this week for the first time in ages so I expect I won't be wearing it then.

Pale Rider

The protocols are still in place at the hospital clinic I regularly visit, which means I am house trained to wear a mask elsewhere.

Deleted member 28

I don't go to pubs or restaurants yet.
Been a long 18mths for you then!

The Crofted Crest

Active Member
I was in Germany at the weekend and wore a mask going into shops and bars. We were the only ones doing so. I asked if they were compulsory, which I thought was the law, and was told they were but no one bothered checking. Here in Holland, masks are only compulsory on public transport and that is just about the only place they are worn. You must show a COVID passport (a QR code on your phone) to enter a bar/restaurant/cinema but not a shop, museum or even a museum shop.

Went to a party in a basement in a bar in Amsterdam on Saturday night. Had to show a COVID pass to get in but did not need to wear a mask. The basement was heaving with lots of kissed greetings, hugs, etc. Madness.

Deleted member 28

I suppose it has but I've saved a fortune.

And with some of that saving we now buy good quality meat and fish from our local butcher and fishmonger. It's dearer than supermarket stuff but you can't half taste the difference. It would still be nice to have a night out and someone else do all the prep and washing up though.
Win, win.


It's still a legal requirement here for shops, public transport, work etc. I don't go to pubs or restaurants yet.
I suppose it has but I've saved a fortune.

And with some of that saving we now buy good quality meat and fish from our local butcher and fishmonger. It's dearer than supermarket stuff but you can't half taste the difference. It would still be nice to have a night out and someone else do all the prep and washing up though.

I've been putting in the hours , working on 'native compliance'

Ready for next week then.

Have to admit I did even go out for dinner in your city a few weeks back..

And shall be doing so again soon.

I expect #2 son will be expecting to be wined and dined a tad .

Especially now he's finding his way round your regular hotspots, and fleshpots..
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