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You see, what you have done is complain we are going back to pounds and ounces, then in your next post said 'anyway, what is the problem, we have always been able to use pints/miles/yards etc?' Well, pints, miles/yards etc aren't lbs and ozs are they?

Read my OP again and try to understand why I posted it. If you're determined to completely miss the point, I can't have a discussion.

Craig the cyclist

Über Member
Read my OP again and try to understand why I posted it. If you're determined to completely miss the point, I can't have a discussion.
It's difficult when you ask 6 questions, post a link for discussion but are really trying to make a point about Brexit.

Be clearer and it may help ongoing discussion.


Active Member
When I was at school in Speyside and Aberdeen, we were taught to deal with both systems. It's just simple arithmetic as I mentioned in the OP.
But how old are you? The youth of today have got a lot more to worry about than silly outdated systems that almost all the rest of the world don’t care about.
IIRC we did some school work with feet and inches up to/including first year juniors (year 3 in modern parlance) which was c1968.

After that new text books and rulers etc arrived showing centimetres and we used those and with weights and volumes in grammes/millilitres.

Pretty much everything after that was base 10 with some excursions in O level Maths.

Now of course with calculators and computers imperial measures are more easily manipulated.
Stuff like crowns on pint glasses is basically window dressing, who cares...

The imperial system is all very interesting but using that instead of metric is, well, in my humble, daft.
The Crown on glasses is similar to the CE mark, and serves a similar purpose. Validation that the measure is valid.

Craig the cyclist

Über Member
Why do they want to take the UK back in time when everywhere else is advancing?
But the biggest and most powerful economies in the world, US, China and India, none of them use the metric system. Would you describe them as going back in time, because they don't seem to be to me.

This is just another stupid Brexit bashing thread, dressed up as something else.

Ian H

Legendary Member
India & China are both officially metric. As in most places, there's informal use of old systems.
But the biggest and most powerful economies in the world, US, China and India, none of them use the metric system. Would you describe them as going back in time, because they don't seem to be to me.

This is just another stupid Brexit bashing thread, dressed up as something else.

America sticks firmly with its own variation on Imperial but China and India?

Are you sure about that, outside of perhaps traditional markets?

This isn't about Brexit per se but the UK Government's use of the 'freedoms' it would like us to believe Brexit has provided.


Active Member
It may or may not be a brexit bashing thread, however I think I prefer separate threads on news and current affairs rather than the dogs dinner of the post brexit thread on the other site, hopefully it will be more likely that we will stay on a particular subject.

Rusty Nails

Country Member
There is no practical importance to this issue of Imperial measurements and it is only being introduced now by Johnson to appeal to the more jingoist side of his party, and the more gullible of voters as a benefit of Brexit. I fully expect a new verse highlighting this to be added to Land of Hope and Glory.

Industry, science, education and international commerce will carry on using metric measurements for the important side of their business. I will still measure my DIY projects in cms and mms, but will also go for bike rides measured in miles and measure my car economy in mpg.


Well-Known Member
You see, what you have done is complain we are going back to pounds and ounces, then in your next post said 'anyway, what is the problem, we have always been able to use pints/miles/yards etc?' Well, pints, miles/yards etc aren't lbs and ozs are they?

It's just another example how so much Brexit policy is still based on lies.


Active Member
Not exactly great company to keep.

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