I live not far from a Pilgrim's Way and increasing number of churches along the route are allowing walkers to camp in their churchyards (advanced permission ie call day before just to let them know). Main constrain it toilets. Just happens my local church now has a toilet, they applied for it but decided they didn't want to pay for ongoing maintenance so got Parish Council (all us Council taxpeyers) to pay for the ongoing costs. It irritates me that they are so unprepared to give anything back to the community they have not joined the allowing people on Pilgrim Way to camp in the churchyard. Nothing being offered back to the community, just a one way flow.I suggested… “”why not use them to house refugees or homeless?”. To me,that seemed rather an obvious suggestion, particularly for an organisation like “The” Church. But, clearly, it was not the first thing that came to their minds.
I note your comment about not being a member of your church so what happens to the houses is something you don't have a say in, but I am contributing to the running costs of the toilet and yet no concept of community from the church.