I find it hard because my family like to go abroad. Simple as. And this ideal is reinforced by our constant production of TV programmes showing us how wonderful other countries are and a desire to create wonderful memories with our children.Billions of people have managed just this, despite the disadvantage of less education than you were privileged with. Why do you find it so hard? Why all the excuses? (and criticising the USA at the same time![]()
!! )
My mother finds it very easy not to go abroad. I think she has only done it twice, and only once by air as she's terrified of flying. My maternal grandma never went abroad, but then for a significant part of her life there wasn't a commercial airline service and she didn't have the time nor money for a cruise. Paternal grandma was considered incredibly adventurous as she went on a cruise by herself to Africa in the 1960s after her husband had died and my dad and his brother were at University.
But the world has changed since then, and you can get a flight for very little money. We have been on holidays in the UK as well - Lake District and the Highlands for example. We've also climbed the mountain formerly known as Snowdon.