Common law

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Regular AND Goofy
I think it's a complex matter of detaching the buffoons from the manipulators and both from the reasonable critics. Reasonable criticism is a casualty if the label buffoon is the blanket remedy.

I have read of medics being labelled such, but my reading convinces me that they are either manipulators or critics of excess claims for vaccine efficacy. The research that applied and was scrutinised early in the covid pandemic is now outdated by the Omicron variant - correct me if I'm wrong?

Mr Celine

Well-Known Member
How is Corbyn able to get around freely in winter, what with all that snow and -20C temperatures?


Active Member
Sad thing is, that's cost coming from the NHS to cover the security, they don't release it's costing money.
I suspect they do realise, but think that each extra cost of vaccination means less vaccinations will be carried out, not realising that we're pretty much vaccination-at-almost-any-cost and so each extra cost of vaccination means fewer drugs available to save their lives when they catch covid, if needed.


Active Member
They have gone onto hospital wards shouting, I mean the poor patients trying to recover, and the staff aren’t paid to deal with issues like this.
Worse, it appears some of them have "liberated" conscious recovering covid patients, filming themselves while doing it, including some still taking extra oxygen. As long as the persuaded patient has tested negative/recovered and agrees to discharge themselves against medical advice, it seems no offence is committed unless something changes, such as an injunction.


A simple matter of denying these buffoons the oxygen of publicity. Sadly, a Twitter storm only fuels with more hot air. They'll soon be chip wrappers. Demi-criminal Walter Mittys.

Issue is many have been kicked from Twitter, they moved to a platform called GETTR, and Facebook ones transitioned to Telegram.

The issue being both aren't really moderated, and these places have become echo chambers.


Worse, it appears some of them have "liberated" conscious recovering covid patients, filming themselves while doing it, including some still taking extra oxygen. As long as the persuaded patient has tested negative/recovered and agrees to discharge themselves against medical advice, it seems no offence is committed unless something changes, such as an injunction.

They may of contributed to one liberated patients death:

I have personally been threatened as well, by my anti vax sov cit uncle for making him look stupid with a bs claim he made online, he got trapped within a lie he made and couldn't answer without basically giving up his point, so he went full idiot and said next time he saw me it wouldn't be a nice meeting, the ring leaders are basically stoking hatred to the point where family members are seen as the opposite side to a war, it seems all very cultish to me.

Deleted member 28

Who would have thought it?
It amazes me how social media has so much impact on people's lives and the time they must spend on it.

There's an old boy down the local who speaks about conversations he's had with people during the day on Facebook, he's got some very strong views on many subjects so quite easy for him to get into a row on there.

It's beyond me how people get so involved with it all, who gives a t0ss what 'little miss nobody from Walthamstow ' thinks about the price of fish?

I like a bit of banter on here when I've got a spare 5 minutes but that's about it, and as for Twitter!

Deleted member 28

My irony meter has just imploded.
You're correct to a point, I come on here and take a quick look at Facebook occasionally but that's about it, some folk are on a plethora of forums, seem to live their lives on Twitter and talk about 'conversations' they've had with people as though they have actually taken place with people they know or have spoken to face to face.

If you don't understand where I'm coming from you're either being intentionally twatty, or like me after a response.

Tell me I'm wrong.
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Über Member
some folk are on a plethora of forums, seem to live their lives on Twitter and talk about 'conversations' they've had with people as though they have actually taken place with people they know or have spoken to face to face.
Just a little point about this, there are many people that do consider the relationships and friendships that they have built with people on social media as being as "real" as any that you, or I , may have offline.
The importance of the support that some get from their online interactions shouldn't be denigrated.


Active Member
It's beyond me how people get so involved with it all, who gives a t0ss what 'little miss nobody from Walthamstow ' thinks about the price of fish?
The people who will be affected when Little Miss and those she influenced elect someone who will cut taxes, cut aid (domestic and foreign) and rip out cycle parking, modal filters and speed cameras?


Well-Known Member
They were able to draw up one for Insulate Britain
Those injunctions were very specific and related to specific roads/ ports . Even then it took several injunctions to have any effect.

Try drafting the terms of an injunction that would stop Corbyn and his ilk, without breaching their human right to be able to protest.

i would love to see Corbyn and his ilk stopped, but am struggling to see how an injunction could be worded to be lawful and stop them
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