- Location
- Far away from the asylum
Your a joke…….and always will be. A cretin tax exile
At least I know the difference between your and you're.

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Your a joke…….and always will be. A cretin tax exile
I CoUlDn'T pOsSiBlY CoMmEnT oN tHaT ...🙄Oi - my use of caps is highly selective and deployed only in the sevice of emphasis and dramatic effect, I'll HaVe YOu KNOw!!!
And well - while there's always an outlier or two, I suspect you'd agree this funny little corner of the internet does appear to have become home to a disproportionate overabundance of ambulatory artificial penii.
At least I know the difference between your and you're.![]()
I suppose it saves conjugating together.He dildoes,
She dildoes,
Oi - my use of caps is highly selective and deployed only in the sevice of emphasis and dramatic effect, I'll HaVe YOu KNOw!!!
And well - while there's always an outlier or two, I suspect you'd agree this funny little corner of the internet does appear to have become home to a disproportionate overabundance of ambulatory artificial penii.
Bit less of the 'WE maybe??![]()
Well why not.??It does annoy me quite how sluggishly my walnut of a brain functions sometimes. It's tempting to blame encroaching decrepitude - but it was ever thus.
Nonetheless - I'll go for it, shall I?
OK. So you dildon't.
Oh, you and cookie are so funny……a twat and a cretin together as one
He did a capital again, I think it's learning.
Well why not.??
I mean it's so annoying to think up a pun three hours later, and then feel too shy to use it right??
Nope I don't..
I could offer
"I have staff for that kind of thing"
But really it's a wholly (!?!) voluntary position .![]()
Well I leave it up to you to decide if there was a double entendre lurking there..My hopelessly smut-infested subconscious involuntarily read that as:
"I have a staff for that kind of thing".
There must be a way of attempting to purge my mind of such base, unwholesome and unworthy thoughts. What would Jacob Rees-Mogg do?