Eddie Vs The Greens

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Why 'shame on Starmer'?

Has he expressed an opinion even?


Really, bloke in a dress representing the common working man and woman. That will go down well
Eddie is just pitching to stand though, so might not even get on the list of possibles. I think parties need to stop the parachuting in of big names to constituencies or even considering them as possible candidates. It just gets people's backs up. I suppose it's more local than their last attempt, Sheffield.

Ian H

Why 'shame on Starmer'?

Has he expressed an opinion even?

Given the close scrutiny of all potential Labour candidates, be will doubtless be aware.

However, I'm not sure why you'd expect Labour to form any kind of alliance with another party. They have form for rejecting such ideas.


Reading around the chip
LOL he's worse than Paul Mason.

Lucas, sadly, is standing down at the next election, but Sian Berry will be the Greens' candidate - I imagine the Greens will stand a good chance of hanging onto the seat. Given that the main factor suppressing the Green vote is that they don't usually stand a chance of winning, what's the argument for voting Labour?


Über Member
Given the close scrutiny of all potential Labour candidates, be will doubtless be aware.

However, I'm not sure why you'd expect Labour to form any kind of alliance with another party. They have form for rejecting such ideas.
In part due to the fact that they are all ready an "alliance party". Labour and Co-Operative party for many at a local level.


In the cut throat world of politics it’s the perfect choice for Izzard. But does look bad if she wins at the expense of the Greens.
She’s unlikely to get much support in the red wall areas. Maybe an urban constituency in London would take her on.
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Really, bloke in a dress representing the common working man and woman. That will go down well

Ignoring your clearly transphobic views.

Maybe you can explain how a multi millionaire married to the daughter of a billionaire represents the common man or woman?


Ignoring your clearly transphobic views.

Maybe you can explain how a multi millionaire married to the daughter of a billionaire represents the common man or woman?

You could say that is something to aspire to.

I very much doubt you can say that for the other candidate :laugh:


You could say that is something to aspire to.

I very much doubt you can say that for the other candidate :laugh:

Sexuality isn’t an aspiration or a choice

But plenty of people would aspire to be a world famous actor and comedian.
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