Maybe a bit off-topic but I completely disregard TV
Vox populi/MOTS/Vox pop on the TV news. So many shortcomings but eg
- What is "news" about asking some random person on the street?
- Depending on the channel the people selected are not "random" eg BBC's need for balance means they'll select eg 2 pro-something and 2-anti-something.
- How can asking eg 3 people give any idea about popular opinion. Even the commercial polling companies face massive challenges and at least they give error margins and on much larger samples.
- I regard them as intended of no more than "entertainment" eg they hold similar view to me reassures me whereas they hold different views from me and I despair about the UK population.
Same with some self-appointed opinionated "influencer" on Twitter/Tick-tok or Facebook - pointless waste of electrons.
What I do find interesting is when TV interview experts eg Human Rights Lawyers with a long established track record or former advisers to some country leader who knows details and processes.
That said I find two way discussing issues with others helpfulwhen it's 2-way eg of forums like this. Useful really when posters providereasons for their views with
links to sources for data when appropriate. Helps one form one's own views, appreciate why others hold different views and completely different process than the one way TV vox pop.