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Über Member
Yes but we do allow the sale of lots of things that are harmfull and/or potentially harmfull to persons in their twenties, should be ban ''performance enhacning steriods'', car driving, drinking, ebike etc. etc.?

There should be an point where we say ''their body, their choice'' right?

Yes however if you look into the trans debate there seems to be a bit more going on. In this topic i earlier contributed with documentaries from channel4, victims themselves etc. etc. ( yes @AndyRM you can insert you hamas line if it makes you feel any better)
The general line is that those who dare to oppose the transgender ideology fear of losing their job if they are professionals, and victims of this feel like they where being talked into being trans while their actually had other issues.
that does not take away that there are enough people that are trans and they should be ridiculled / marginaliszed whatever however what makes the whole trans discussion so different is the strong ideology overlay which is dangerous for the medical profession, and bad for patients.

And that sadly makes your comparison a bit off because if a doctor advises based on his medical knowledge that a patient either needs or not needs athma medication, there is not ''asthma ideology'' breathing in his neck calling his employer etc. to change the outcome of his advise. there is with trans issues.
The parallels are there.
Young kids being started on a lifetime of drugs. Often not just the one either, depending on condition.
Bulimia, do you try talking to someone, on the receiving end of the snide remarks, bullying. Who have been convinced they're body isn't normal.

As I've pointed out on here, and on CC, I'm living with epilepsy. Born and brought up with it. The bullying, snide remarks, people avoiding me, telling me I wasn't normal. I've had that in school and in the workplace. And until 1995, when the DDA was brought in, they had to be a part of everyday life. Active discrimination of the sort that you say doesn't exist was supposed to have been wiped out. That's never been the case. Employers don't want people who have to take time off, for hospital appointments. Or because the disability may become visible in their workplace.

It may not be "asthma ideology" as you termed it, more a wider issue of disability issues, which legally shouldn't exist in the UK. I've fought for equal rights, the right to be treated the same as everyone else. Not be shoved into a third area, away from "normal" people. They don't want to be near people like me as they don't know what to expect. And that unknown frightens them.

The fear of being "found out" might make some less likely to want to make it known. I've not had that luxury. I apply for a job and don't mention that I'm living with epilepsy, can see me finished on the spot. It's been tried a few times, each time they've failed. And they've been made pay for their attitudes.

I've had a lifetime of drug treatment, 34 seperate lots in total. Aged 10, an age some say isn't possible to agree to it at, I agreed to start, a new to me drug. Parents informed of my decision later the same day, when they came to the hospital.

December 2015 I was told half a century of treatment received was for the wrong condition. He couldn't say what the condition was, just it wasn't epilepsy in his opinion. Over half a million tablets taken for something I didn't have, and numerous specialists before him were wrong.

Deleted member 159

Streeting uses Cass to justify his view. Cass did not say there should be a ban on puberty blockers to treat trans children.

You are using Streeting to justify your view. Therefore you don't agree with Cass.

So do you now believe that Streeting is the true expert to revere?

I'm not saying Streeting is an expert. I was posting his explanation, that he will be led by science not ideology

Deleted member 159

Lisa Mandy accepting the Cass report, aligning with Streeting on the continued ban on puberty blockers


Deleted member 159

I've had a lifetime of drug treatment, 34 seperate lots in total. Aged 10, an age some say isn't possible to agree to it at, I agreed to start, a new to me drug. Parents informed of my decision later the same day, when they came to the hospital.

December 2015 I was told half a century of treatment received was for the wrong condition. He couldn't say what the condition was, just it wasn't epilepsy in his opinion. Over half a million tablets taken for something I didn't have, and numerous specialists before him were wrong

You were young, misinformed on a condition, took a decision, and decades later learned it was the incorrect decision.

You see the parallels with children's body dysphoria and trans specialist.


Legendary Member
At least give him credit that he can see the truth between the two, science and ideology

In terms of his own sexuality, Streeting has said before that he is conflicted between his own feelings and faith. He could remember his own struggle and he could show some empathy with trans people. However he chose feelings for himself, and now chooses faith for everybody else.

As for 'ideology'. Trans ideology comes from UNDHR human rights, which essentially says people have self-determination, while neither the state of individuals have the right to interfere. Your own ideology gives you the self-entitled self-opinionated idea that you have the right.

This is why you often see the slogan, ''trans rights are human rights''. This is entirely correct.

I tend not to trust people with faith as decision makers; they can not be manage to be independent in thought as politicians need to be. They tend not to make the best scientists either.


Elder Goth
In terms of his own sexuality, Streeting has said before that he is conflicted between his own feelings and faith. He could remember his own struggle and he could show some empathy with trans people. However he chose feelings for himself, and now chooses faith for everybody else.

As for 'ideology'. Trans ideology comes from UNDHR human rights, which essentially says people have self-determination, while neither the state of individuals have the right to interfere. Your own ideology gives you the self-entitled self-opinionated idea that you have the right.

This is why you often see the slogan, ''trans rights are human rights''. This is entirely correct.

I tend not to trust people with faith as decision makers; they can not be manage to be independent in thought as politicians need to be. They tend not to make the best scientists either.

"Human rights" is what it all comes down to, really.

People like Streeting are in a position where they could use their influence in positive ways, but don't.

There are plenty of other examples available.
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