Gender again. Sorry!

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As we've been over the Equality Act umpteen times I've covered every comment already.
All your comments are contradicted by UK legal experts so I'm calling bullsh#t on any legal expertise you present on here, regardless of where you pretend it comes from.

I think in future I'll just post screenshots, save myself a bit of time. Legal experts on equality law:
View attachment 6721

You can keep blathering on about the United Nations and human rights if you like.

The key part of that quote is the last ten words; as long as the legal conditions for this are met.

They may be met to exclude women with a GRC from sports or prisons. Rather than a blanket ban for all women with a GRC they could be applied selectively; for example if excluding a particular person or group was not achievable by other means.

The idea that the bar is anything other than a high and exceptional one is for the birds. It would not keep our organizational CEO's son out of the men's loos or N or my former colleague Heather out of the ladies.

IANAL but I think there are practical problems around treating a GRC as though, like a driving licence or an insurance certificate it were a document you can wave at officialdom. As I understand it it's a directive to the Registrar General to issue a new birth certificate in the acquired gender. There are also privacy related provisions in the GRA around disclosing the existence of a GRC.
Nobody has ever claimed there is a blanket ban on trans identifying people which is available in law.

It is however permissible to exclude on the basis of biological sex, regardless of whether that person is trans identifying or not.

You keep banging on about blanket bans of trans identifying people. This is because you want to make it appear that trans identifying people are being unfairly discriminated against. In reality it is exclusion on the basis of sex, not for being trans identified.
But that's how you've been acting in every one of these threads. A total ban on trans women being near other women. Quite possibly because of simple hate, in much the same way many minority groups, and those people in them, are still treated.
No, it isn't. Exclusion of men from women's single sex spaces and services is justified in certain circumstances. The fact that you seek to include men in such spaces is an indication of how little you think of women.


Legendary Member
No, it isn't. Exclusion of men from women's single sex spaces and services is justified in certain circumstances. The fact that you seek to include men in such spaces is an indication of how little you think of women.

A trans woman with a GRC is not a man. Stop being such a bigot and a dick.


Senior Member
I'm actually not sure how people who say those in possession of a GRC can still be excluded if certain tests are met get around having a birth certificate in the acquired gender.
Excluded from what? Cycling? Ask Emily Bridges, haven't heard much recently about her case against British Cycling. Maybe she can be excluded.
Your sex doesn't change because you have a piece of paper.
Get the correct piece of paper and it does.
At least for both houses of the Scottish Court of Sessions, and the Scottish Government, when it comes to the Equalities Act of 2010.

And it was yourself that provided that piece, in a roundabout way.
A piece of paper doesn't change your sex.

That would mean you were a man at 10.59am, but a woman at 11am when someone stamped your GRC application.

It changes how you should be treated in UK law in most circumstances but not all.

Men (or women of course) can still be excluded from single sex services and spaces because a GRC does not override the ability to exclude based on sex.

The GRA was a muddy piece of legislation intended to give trans people the chance to have birth certificates, passports, data recorded and so on in their acquired gender. It allowed them to be buried under their acquired gender and name in official records.

I doubt anybody thought in 2004 that it would be used to undermine single sex spaces and services.


Legendary Member
A piece of paper doesn't change your sex.

That would mean you were a man at 10.59am, but a woman at 11am when someone stamped your GRC application.

It changes how you should be treated in UK law in most circumstances but not all.

Men (or women of course) can still be excluded from single sex services and spaces because a GRC does not override the ability to exclude based on sex.

The GRA was a muddy piece of legislation intended to give trans people the chance to have birth certificates, passports, data recorded and so on in their acquired gender. It allowed them to be buried under their acquired gender and name in official records.

I doubt anybody thought in 2004 that it would be used to undermine single sex spaces and services.

Pffffffff.... ''muddy piece of legislation'', you want people to take you seriously? The thing that looks 'muddy' is you throwing your faeces.
Your sex literally changes with a piece of paper??!! Incroyable. Ring the Nobel committee. The prize in Physiology/Medicine awaits. It's 0800-00-1066.
There goes another partially quoted post out of context, as is to be expected from you.

Does Sweden have 0800 numbers?

Try 0333 999 8904
I tried that number.

'Hello, is that Hastings Direct? There's a man on the internet saying you can change your sex ...'

'Hahahahahaha. Tell him that's b*ollocks. Can I interest you in some car insurance?'.
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