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Über Member
Education for Women's Liberation Conference, held at the University of Central London, last week.
There is a reason for anti-trans activists to be cast as 'fascists'.
Is there really.


I can see that you and monkers are trying to conflate women's concern over what they see as men in women's spaces with right wing groups and Nazis.

You haven't a clue have you.

You didn't even bother to look at what I referred to at the Tate. Just went straight in with the "legitimate concerns" bullshit.
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Rusty Nails

Country Member
As Buzz says:


OK - question...

What are peoples opinions on the calls to boycott the new Hogwarts Legacy game and the actions of some games reviewing websites such as "wired" because of the association with JK Rowling?

Proportionate response or utter lunacy?
(we can take as read that the boycott calls are utterly pointless)


Legendary Member
The Nazis destroy the clinic and library of a gay Jewish doctor and therefore anybody who doesn't believe in gender identity and wants to maintain women's single sex spaces is also a fascist...

I neither said it is my reasoning, or a view you'd enjoy reading; just that it's a reason that the word is cast, and it is.

You ought know by now, I try to be careful with my selection of words. I have used terms like 'fascist-like behaviour' a couple of times. In particular I've said it about Posie Parker, because in her case, I feel my words are justified, since she talks about annihilation of all people including women who dare disagree with her. She is not alone in these views, tell me these are not fascist-like behaviours if you wish, but I will strongly disagree.
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Wired just make themselves look stupid by giving 1 out of 10 to a game other reviewers have rated highly. They didn't downgrade reviews of games from the big name game developers who were accused of sexual harassment a few years ago.

I wonder how many of those boycotting it have ever listened to misogynistic rappers or watched porn. The supposed boycott just provides an opportunity to virtue signal whilst they're probably playing it in secret. 500k copies sold before launch and kicked off with1.3 million players on Steam apparently. I didn't even know there was a game out. Streisand effect.


Legendary Member
This is cancel culture at work again, and an attempt to hit back at Rowling because her views cannot be countered with reasoned argument.

This is ridiculous. You've been quoting from Leviticus to justify cancelling LGBT people. You may believe that stuff is all true if you wish; but that's just a 'belief that's in your head' to quote those who will use that phrase to ridicule trans people.

I can't escape that the bible is the word of God, when God didn't actually write anything down. It's just the words of men who claim that God told them to write it down. It probably worked very well in its day as a social code to help protect people from disease etc, however that being the case, even as a social code it has little relevance today.


OK - question...

What are peoples opinions on the calls to boycott the new Hogwarts Legacy game and the actions of some games reviewing websites such as "wired" because of the association with JK Rowling?

Proportionate response or utter lunacy?
(we can take as read that the boycott calls are utterly pointless)

People can voice whatever views they want, within the constraints of the law, but if they are contributing to a toxic environment for other people they can expect pushback. This is what this is. It seems a little futile to me, but then I'm not a gamer, a HP fan, or trans.

I don't know what 'Wired' is but if they've taken on a billionaire with an enormous platform then more power to them.
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