You've been quoting from Leviticus to justify cancelling LGBT people.
Not cancelling, commenting on the morality of LGBT. The way of course modern society gets round such laws is to claim it is no longer possible to define what a
man is who might lie with a
This is of course a current issue with the C of E as its bishops want to 'bless' same-sex marriages. They are not at liberty change the faith given once for all to the saints. Right and wrong don't change. They shouldn't promote open rebellion against their creator.
If they had any integrity, they should 'come out' and admit they have abandoned it, join the British Humanist Association!
You may believe that stuff is all true if you wish; but that's just a 'belief that's in your head' to quote those who will use that phrase to ridicule trans people.
Who is ridiculing trans people? It seems to me you cannot get much more messed up than to be gender confused
and go on a course of treatment involving drugs that weaken the body and surgery that mutilates it. Only to then find it doesn't deal with the real underlying cause of the mental distress it was supposed to. Pity would be a more appropriate word.
There is a place for righteous anger at those who are promoting this as an ideology.
It's just the words of men who claim that God told them to write it down. It probably worked very well in its day as a social code to help protect people from disease etc, however that being the case, even as a social code it has little relevance today.
There is a great deal of apologetic material that argues for the divine authorship of the bible.
I don't think not stealing, killing, being unfaithful, committing perjury or indulging envy and greed are irrelevant for today!
As regards disease, keeping biblical sex ethics would eliminate a vast amount of disease and early death. The latter is particularly ironic in view of so many believing this life is all there is.