If you want to talk about only safeguarding, the fact that men comit the vast majority of sexual assaults, in every country, in every culture, and have done since records began, is actually quite a lot of use. It tells us that men are the common risk factor. And transwomen pose the same risk as any other man.
The reason why most victims of sexual assault are known to the victim is that sex crimes are usually opportunistic crimes. You aren't going to reduce them by normalising males in female spaces like changing rooms, and thus increasing the opportunity, whilst simultaneously making it harder for women to have them removed.
The basis of the risk assessment is biological sex, not appearance. If you're claiming women have less to fear from male strangers than male partners or friends, surely all males should have access to all women's single sex spaces not just transwomen.
The reason why most victims of sexual assault are known to the victim is that sex crimes are usually opportunistic crimes. You aren't going to reduce them by normalising males in female spaces like changing rooms, and thus increasing the opportunity, whilst simultaneously making it harder for women to have them removed.
The basis of the risk assessment is biological sex, not appearance. If you're claiming women have less to fear from male strangers than male partners or friends, surely all males should have access to all women's single sex spaces not just transwomen.