Lowered testosterone doesn't mitigate the effect of years of male socialisation, just as lowered testosterone doesn't mitigate the effects of a male body in sport. Neither can be undone. We do know however that testosterone is one element in male aggression and it seems unlikely that it wouldn't produce a similar effect in females as it does in males, though obviously tempered by the fact females are socialised differently.
Also, the requirement from transactivists is that there should be no gatekeeping as to who is transgender. You don't have to be on hormones or undergo surgery, it's simply self ID. Thus discussion as to whether transwomen as an overall general population are more or less disposed towards male pattern violence is a bit moot, as not all of them will be on hrt or undergoing surgery. We can only go on the research data and prison statistics which suggests they retain a male pattern of criminality.
It's nonsense for people to postulate that testosterone farks up female brains, but HRT has no effect on the brains of trans women while also saying that there's no such thing as male and female brains. Marcia Bowers is just one who says otherwise.
What we are seeing in the postulation is prejudice in plain sight.