Gender again. Sorry!

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Rusty Nails

Country Member
LOL. No shît. :laugh:

That's it.


Despite your assurances, you are still living here rent free, and not only that, the other tenants are complaining about the keyboard tip-tapping all through the night accompanied by maniacal shouts of "That'll show the bast*rds".


Epic Member
That's it.

View attachment 3570

Despite your assurances, you are still living here rent free, and not only that, the other tenants are complaining about the keyboard tip-tapping all through the night accompanied by maniacal shouts of "That'll show the bast*rds".

Lol. I seem to be living rent-free in your head.

The only tenant complaining is you.


Eviction is easy, Rusty Fails. Just hit the ignore button.

By the way, I'm still laughing that you responded to my point about you only appearing here to post ad homs and never contributing by then speaking your branes in their entirety but only managing the most bland, jejune take possible. Ha ha ha ha haaaaa
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Rusty Nails

Country Member
Lol. I seem to be living rent-free in your head.

The only tenant complaining is you.

View attachment 3571

Eviction is easy, Rusty Fails. Just hit the ignore button.

Just enjoying the bantz, and learning a lot, in more ways than one, from your incessant trawling of Google to prove a point...including lots of new words to me like jejune :okay:

Actually the issue, when broken down to the basic rights, can be reasonably simple, but it is made very complicated by the different agendas at play.

But I will desist for a while out of consideration for the other posters.
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There is absolutely no evidence that there are concerns about physical safety in the case this refers to. The school are not taking it upon themselves to do anything. Schools do not facilitate social transitioning without involving parents/guardians and it is disingenuous for you to suggest that they do.
In the case referred to, the school have worked fully with the custodial parent (father).

My comments were in reference to general concerns about social transitioning without parental knowledge and consent, not a comment on that particular case.


It was a joke at our Sartre wannabe's expense. But of course it wouldn't have been seen. :ph34r:

Well you clearly need to ramp up the edgelordism then..

Never mind 'rusty 'we need some 'hard as'

We can't just have you being mildly to moderately concerned, taking a measured view, listening carefully, considering all viewpoints or any of that tedious anodyne, wishy washy
"Well I can see some valid views on both sides" kind of liberal hogwash..

You must very very firmly
'Nail' your colours to the mast, pick a 'side' like it's 'serious' battle, and start spilling some blood OK??

I mean this is t'internet right ??


Epic Member
Sorry, in all the kerfuffle I've forgotten...can anybody remind me again what the actual problem is with trans people again?

Is it that they exist?
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Interesting thread on EHRC proposals to change law with regard to protected characteristics of sex.
Fern is a woman, so should be listened to.

Transgender people will continue to be covered from discrimination under the protected characteristic of Gender Reassignment, just as they are now. Clarifying 'sex' to mean sex would extend the protections given to transmen re pregnancy, maternity leave etc., surely.

From an actual discrimination solicitor:


Are gender critical women stopping the nuns from speaking? Are they chucking soup over them or punching them in the face? Or carrying sign suggesting they should be decapitated?

You seem to be trying to give the impression that feminists are stopping other women from speaking. They aren't. That would be 'your' side. I asked before but you didn't reply: Can you find me any photos of gender critical women turning up at trans demos or meetings to abuse and intimidate them?


Epic Member
Can you find me any photos of gender critical women turning up at trans demos or meetings to abuse and intimidate them?

They have neo-nazis instead.


Actually, I'm commenting on your disingenuous tactic of immediately invoking gender when a male dares have a view, and shouting them down by saying they should "listen to women".


Anyway, surprised to see you here. "Rent free", wasn't it?
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So that's a No then? There aren't any gender critical women stopping other women from speaking or trying tactics of violence or intimidation to silence others. Just blokes that rock up uninvited.

Anybody is entitled to their view. The difference is I think you should be able to express those views (if they are legal to hold) in public without fear of intimidation or violence.

Swim England look like they've been listening to women athletes.
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