Gender again. Sorry!

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Legendary Member
Thanks for this, there's almost some reassurance there, but if not 'wiped' but somehow still not accessible, that ain't a whole lot better.

N is at home with me now, she is saying that they said it was because her NHS number had been coded with a '4'. I'm just asking her for the invoice if she still has it.

This is what the "4" relates to:-
OVERSEAS VISITOR STATUS CLASSIFICATION Change to Attribute: Changed Description A classification of OVERSEAS VISITOR STATUS. National Codes:
  • 1 Exempt from payment - subject to Reciprocal Healthcare Agreement
  • 2 Exempt from payment - other
  • 3 To pay hotel fees only
  • 4 To pay all fees
It is the referral that would have been coded as a 4. That definitely should *not* have had the effect of deleting the record. That would be a breach of NHS record keeping and the Trust could be fined for it.
There are differences in brain volume/size but as I understand it no conclusive proof of there being a 'male' brain and a 'female' brain. Any discernible differences can be accounted for by socialisation and there are as many differences between any individual brains as between men and women's brains.
In short, your assertion is disputed. I’m not a biologist so I’m free to wonder why the brain would be the only organ to not exhibit sex differences, particularly as it is so plastic.
Also do you know that the love of antiques does not in itself make you gay, but it may make you buy curios.
First warning :stop:


Legendary Member
In short, your assertion is disputed. I’m not a biologist so I’m free to wonder why the brain would be the only organ to not exhibit sex differences, particularly as it is so plastic.
Loads of others don't, functionally speaking. Hearts, kidneys etc - unless you look at the DNA which has those pesky chromosomes hanging around.


Legendary Member
This is what the "4" relates to:-

It is the referral that would have been coded as a 4. That definitely should *not* have had the effect of deleting the record. That would be a breach of NHS record keeping and the Trust could be fined for it.

Good to know thanks.

We had a different data problem yesterday. Nutshell version ...

Car was taken to National Tyre Service for MOT. NTS taken over by Halfords. Returned for car after one hour as agreed. A little later, a random person makes contact (knows name, address, email address, mobile number, carmake / model and reg number) and asks why have you asked me to collect your car from Halfords, why have you asked for me to pay your invoice.

Complaint made to Halfords - no reply as yet.
The bottom line is, gender critical people love the question; define what a woman is. Yet these questioners can not provide an definition that works in a practical way.
There are only two reproductive pathways which all mamals develop along: Female and Male. Under normal circumstances the female body is the one set up to create large gametes, the male small gametes.

And if you think that this simple observable scientific fact reduces women to body parts, that just means you don't think much of women.
Make it about external genitalia and there are holes (oh heck!) in the argument.
People born with missing or ambiguous genitalia are still female or male. Folks with dsd's are still either male or female.
Make it about gametes; well we don't all have them.
Infertile people still have a sex.
Make it about chromosomes; too many of us don't fit.
People with dad's are still male or female. As are Down's Syndrome people.
Make it about breast size; err nope.
Nobody has ever said the size of your boobs defines your sex. Literally nobody.
Make it about vocal range? nope too much variation.
Again. Never been a thing. People have all sorts of voice pitches.
Hormones? That doesn't work either. Some women have more testosterone that some men. Some men have more oestrogen than women.
Yes, obviously. Men with low testosterone and artificial female hormones aren't women. We agree at last.
Birth certificates? Problems here too.
Of course there are. A piece of paper can't change your sex in real life. It's a fiction.
So in practical terms, when it comes to policing people and checks - to be clear something that as a woman I will resist - who is going to do it, where are they going to do it, and what are they going to be checking for. Or are we heading for a system of pink triangle armbands?
Appropriating the Holocaust. Classy.


Legendary Member
There are only two reproductive pathways which all mamals develop along: Female and Male. Under normal circumstances the female body is the one set up to create large gametes, the male small gametes.

And if you think that this simple observable scientific fact reduces women to body parts, that just means you don't think much of women.
Oh shut the fark up you stupid windbag. You really are too much.
Loads of others don't, functionally speaking. Hearts, kidneys etc - unless you look at the DNA which has those pesky chromosomes hanging around.

I think it’s all a bit more complicated than that. Heart disease, for example, affects men disproportionately. Why, if it’s just a sexless pump? Hormones, lifestyle, socialisation, other?

My point was that Aurora’s assertion is along way from being settled.


Legendary Member
Birth certificates? Problems here too.
Of course there are. A piece of paper can't change your sex in real life. It's a fiction.

It's the law and I'm sitting next to a barrister who says you're an idiot.


Legendary Member
So in practical terms, when it comes to policing people and checks - to be clear something that as a woman I will resist - who is going to do it, where are they going to do it, and what are they going to be checking for. Or are we heading for a system of pink triangle armbands?
Appropriating the Holocaust. Classy.

Isn't it? Remember how those GCS and Terfs were reciting from Mein Kampf and holding up posters calling for a 'final solution' for trans people, and how your brain melted when one trans activitist held up a poster in reply saying 'decapitate Terfs'?

But you can't come up with a way of defining what a woman is, and I'm actually offended by the nutjobs like you who think we should try and build identikit systems of defining women.
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In short, your assertion is disputed. I’m not a biologist so I’m free to wonder why the brain would be the only organ to not exhibit sex differences, particularly as it is so plastic.

Baron Cohen's assertion seems to be that some differences in cognitive ability are due to organic/structural differences in the brain. Ripon says there are no significantly measurable organic/structural differences - which seems to be the view of other neurologists. In fact she does talk about neural plasticity - girls might have certain areas of the brain that look different but doing certain tasks regularly makes these areas look like the same area on boys. I think playing video games was her example. So are boys naturally better at video games? Or does a certain area of their brain look a certain way because they are socialised to play video games far more and girls aren't? And even if brains look a little different on scans how do we know how that translates to brain function, if it even translates at all?


Legendary Member
You might also find this useful:-

Appendix 2 is very clear about records retention. We don't get rid of records because a person is classified as an overseas visitor.
Thanks, I'll look at them, but not until tomorrow now.

N says that she was told that her GP patient records, hospital records, and A&E records are held separately. It is her A&E records that were said to be wiped including X-rays.

She had not requested a change of NHS number, it just happened by default. Certainly the consultant in the fracture clinic was unable to access the X-rays. Her GP had told her that is was usual for X-rays to be sent to her by that hospital, but this had not been done.

N has been to see her MP concerning this.
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Legendary Member
Baron Cohen's assertion seems to be that some differences in cognitive ability are due to organic/structural differences in the brain. Ripon says there are no significantly measurable organic/structural differences - which seems to be the view of other neurologists. In fact she does talk about neural plasticity - girls might have certain areas of the brain that look different but doing certain tasks regularly makes these areas look like the same area on boys. I think playing video games was her example. So are boys naturally better at video games? Or does a certain area of their brain look a certain way because they are socialised to play video games far more and girls aren't? And even if brains look a little different on scans how do we know how that translates to brain function, if it even translates at all?

So in short, there's nothing helpful there either in defining 'what a woman is'. Every attempt to define what a woman is, even by women, fails.

So let's just let us women say, 'I am a woman'. Job done.


Legendary Member
N says that she was told that her GP patient records, hospital records, and A&E records are held separately. It is her A&E records that were said to be wiped including X-rays.
That's usual. Your GP will use Emis or Vision. Your hospital usually Cerner Millenium or Epic (or something old school like PAS or EPR.
A&E quite often isn't digital at all. In a sense it doesn't matter as there is a duty of records retention. Medical records for an adult must be kept for 8 years past the end of discharge. Longer for some medical conditions, and electronic record destruction follows the rules for paper, except where the record cannot be deleted - in that case it can be made inaccessible instead.

She had not requested a change of NHS number, it just happened by default. Certainly the consultant in the fracture clinic was unable to access the X-rays. Her GP had told her that is was usual for X-rays to be sent to her by that hospital, but this had not been done.
I doubt her NHS number changed. The referral may well have been miscoded. They have lost the data somehow - in the sense that they can't find it rather than it not being there I would suspect.

N has been to see her MP concerning this.
Has she made a formal complaint via PALS to the Trust? It's worth doing as it has to be formally addressed and a formal response given. You can then take that to DOH ombudsman I think if they continue to give stupid answers. Feel free to message me if you need additional info on any of the technical stuff.
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