You've said that women don't have a right to single sex spaces and services.
That's just bollocks. You've claimed that women have hard won sex-based rights under the Equality Act. I said 'show me'. You couldn't. Then you conceded that there are no such women's sex-based rights under the Equality Act.
What I've said is that neither men or women have a hard won sex-based rights under the Equality Act, therefore it is not discrimination under the act. You do understand that is the purpose of the act don't you? It is cements convention law so that nobody is treated less favourably.
If you can't find it in law, then you can't claim that it exists. This is not me taking something away from anyone. There is law about toilet arrangements under different acts, but not under equality law. There is law under current and forthcoming building regulations. There are obligations on employers to provide single-sex spaces for toilets.
In particular you've claimed that public toilets are segregated by biological sex by law - they aren't. As I explained, public spaces can not be defined as private spaces - it's so obvious, it's staring you in the face. You are entitled to privacy in any loo you visit, but only for that stuff you do behind a bolted door. Communal areas are not covered in law and you just don't have the right to remove people from them - no matter what you say, or whatever twisted narrative you generate to claim it. So if a chap walks into the communal part of a women's toilet to wash his hands, you have not right to stop him - that Aurora is discrimination, and what the law prevents. I get that you don't like it, but that is not an example of a 'hard won sex-based right under the Equality Act'. This is you inventing stuff. So if you want a law that prevents that, you'll have to campaign for that.
That's the thing about UK law. It is a negative rights system. This means that anyone can do anything unless it is expressly forbidden under sovereign law. There is nothing in law to prevent anyone from walking into any public toilet to wash their hands - it's an innocent act. The law forbids other behaviours under an array of acts to prevent physical or sexual assault etc.
As soon as you discriminate against any person or group of people based on real or perceived protected characteristic, then it is you who is breaking the law. Women (including feminists like me) fought for equality under the law - that's what the law has provided. The law provided freedom from discrimination for all people with any of the protected characteristics - gender reassignment is one of them.
Can't you see the irony? You are claiming that you have the freedom to discriminate against individuals and a whole group using our laws that specifically make discrimination unlawful. How will any judge in the law see that and support your views?
Your convention rights are that you have the right to speak truth to power, freedom of assembly, freedom to protest peacefully, You should be able to use these rights to campaign, but as I keep telling you these fundamental convention rights are under attack from an abusive government.
Wise up.