'Get in the f*cking sea' lol. I'd be surprised if your view - which is that a foetus has no rights whatsoever, literally zero - until the moment it appears outside the mother's body at 39 weeks is a common one, even amongst women. Most people seem to acknowledge that a foetus has increasing rights after the stage where they could live independently outside the womb. There's very little difference between a 38 week foetus and a new born.
Yes, late term abortions are rare and their availability is a necessity but suggesting that late stage foetuses might have some rights is not an anti-feminist position. There's an obvious discussion to be had whether these rights should ever override the wishes of the woman.
This position you seem to hold - that if every woman doesn't endorse bodily autonomy in every single situation - it means women will lose all their abortion rights is simply blackmailing women to feel their reproductive rights depend on them endorsing something entirely different than the concensus we have achieved in the UK.
It's also astounding that when it comes to 38 week old foetuses you seem to know for certain they aren't human beings with their own rights, but when it comes to 'What's a woman?' then suddenly you're all 'It's complicated and nuanced but anyone can be one'.
In short, you're just misrepresenting Stocks's position in order to take a pot shot at a woman you don't like.