Gender again. Sorry!

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As I said, there is a range of possibilities between allowing self ID on a whim, changing six times a day, and the other extreme of not recognising an established life or even a GRC.

Scottish Self ID is being misrepresented as allowing men to change on a whim purely for the purposes of perving. It doesn't. It just reduces the time from 2 years to 3 months. It's still a substantial and significant legal undertaking on the part of the man who wishes to become regarded as a woman in law.

The 'fears' thing shouldn't change because trans women already use women's spaces, so those who would be scared of trans women in their spaces if self ID comes in would already be scared of them now. That isn't to discount those fears, it's pointing out that Self ID has offers no real change in this respect.
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Reduces it to 3 months with no gatekeeping whatsoever. You just have to say you've been 'living as a woman' - with no criteria as to what that even means. No diagnosis of gender dysphoria, no meds or surgery. If you're 16 and have £5 you can legally change your sex.

And let's not forget that the ammendment that would have prevented those on the sex offender register from getting a GRC was voted down. SNP members were whipped to vote against the ammendment.

Yes, men are already using women's facilities and services because some institutions are already failing to apply the Equality Act exemptions. They shouldn't be. 'They're going to do it anyway' is not a convincing argument.

You've spent this entire thread discounting women's fears btw.


As I said, there is a range of possibilities between allowing self ID on a whim, changing six times a day, and the other extreme of not recognising an established life or even a GRC.

Well yes, I'd agree on that.

I think AS is (mainly I think) arguing against allowing blanket self IDing into all womens spaces.

That's certainly what I'm doing.

I don't think she's refuting the realities of an established life or a GRC .

It was suggested that she 'hates all transwomen' and that she didn't have decent points to make, or that she wasn't arguing 'properly' in the eyes of our self appointed thread moderator.

I didn't think that was fair or true on any of those fronts.
So I thought it was only fair that I defend her on those points.
I don't object to the idea of a GRC per se. I think you have to accommodate the small number of people who from an early age have felt persistent body dysphoria. As I've said before, there should be some legal avenue that allows them to change their sex on certain legal documents like a passport. I don't even think they should have had to undergo surgery because all that is some Frankenstein level sh*t that noone should be encouraged to undertake. I object to the single sex exemptions of the Equality Act being undermined and the total lack of gatekeeping of GRC's because the effect on women and girls is detrimental.


Legendary Member
Scottish Self ID is being misrepresented as allowing men to change on a whim purely for the purposes of perving. It doesn't. It just reduces the time from 2 years to 3 months. It's still a substantial and significant legal undertaking on the part of the man who wishes to become regarded as a woman in law.

The 'fears' thing shouldn't change because trans women already use women's spaces, so those who would be scared of trans women in their spaces if self ID comes in would already be scared of them now. That isn't to discount those fears, it's pointing out that Self ID has offers no real change in this respect.

This makes interesting reading:

Is it OK that the MOJ says stats show 76 of the 129 male-born prisoners identifying as transgender (not counting any with GRCs) have at least 1 conviction of sexual offence. This includes 36 convictions for rape and 10 for attempted rape. These are clearly male type crimes (rape is defined as penetration with a penis).

Still fine for them to be in a women's prison as they are women?


It was suggested that she 'hates all transwomen' and that she didn't have decent points to make, or that she wasn't arguing 'properly' in the eyes of our self appointed thread moderator.

I didn't think that was fair or true on any of those fronts.
So I thought it was only fair that I defend her on those points.

Nice bit of misrepresentation, there. Well done 👏

I will retract the comment about AS hating trans women. I'm not convinced that she doesn't, but in fairness she has posted nothing that confirms it.
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Still fine for them to be in a women's prison as they are women?

From the Scottish Govt website:

"Obtaining a Gender Recognition Certificate does not automatically provide access to specific accommodation."

So nothing to do with Self ID laws, and everything to do with local policy.

From same source:

"The Bill does not make changes to toilets and changing rooms. Trans people can and have been using facilities that match their gender for years and they will continue to do so."


"Many refuges already support trans women escaping abuse – most domestic violence services in Scotland have been doing this for the last 10 years.

Exceptions under the Equality Act 2010 specifically allow communal accommodation and other single sex services to exclude trans people where that is a proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim. The Act’s Explanatory Notes give an example of a group counselling session for female victims of sexual assault.

The Scottish Government supports those exceptions and the Bill does not change them"

Fraudulent applications carry a prison sentence of two years.

So there we go.


Nice bit of misrepresentation, there. Well done 👏

As I said at the time my take on, and objection to your misrepresentation of AS is based on this, and subsequent posts.


It's really hard to have a discussion with you when your one tactic is to move the goalposts when whatever untrue crap you posted upthread is proven to be untrue crap. You do it over and over again.

The latest example:

MT: There is no evidence that there is an increase in offending rates in countries with SelfID

AS: That's because in selfID countries trans women crimes are now attributable to women. There is no distinction, so any selfIDing TW crimes are hidden. But it has increased because I say so. My hatred of trans women is so strong that they must have offended.

MT: But look at this data from Argentina. Clearly, they are logging selfIDing crimes separately from cis women, so what you said about crime figures cannot be true.


Your debating skills are sub sixth form level. You generalise, lie, deflect, and put up endless straw men. I would define your arguments as specious, but that would imply they are superficially plausible.

It's no wonder that everyone else has given up.


And now, I'm giving up with you too.

You come across as rather arrogant, and aggressive and not a little grandiose in your opinion of your own 'debating' skills.

This is a difficult topic to discuss online with strangers.
A bit of humility, and attempt to understand
and acknowledge 'feelings' of others as well as drilling down into 'hard data' wouldn't go amiss.

Rather than saying that 'feelings' aren't on the agenda right now.
Which is precisely what you did in the first line of this post, as if you're leading the discussion .

One thing at a time; we'll come to 'feelings' later. For the moment
I have only been discussing tangible incidents.

AS put forward the same argument already, but a few posts back I posted something from Argentina that suggested that a distinction between trans and cis women IS made in the reporting of crime in Argentina. AS rather conveniently swerved around this and pivoted onto 'feelings'. Now, I'm not discounting feelings, but I want to drill down on tangible incidents first.

I acknowledge that it is difficult to penetrate the judicial systems of other countries, but as I said it appears that Argentina does distinguish, so I'm loathe to accept AS's glib assurance that nowhere in the SelfID world does this happen.

After all there are plenty of people who might say that it's 'only' 'feelings' that lead people to transgenderism in the first place.

Imo, those feelings shouldn't be discounted either, I believe in most cases there is genuinely a situation of body disphoria that should be understood and accommodated by society wherever possible and that transpeople should be protected from harm too.

But that still doesn't mean that women should be expected to accept male bodied people into their own deliberately created safe(r) spaces
And what will be the criteria for fraud? Not being 'womany' enough?

Yes, some services are failing to enact the exemptions of the Equality Act and are already admitting transwomen. Including women's refuges who have no choice because they are funded by the Scottish government. Hence JK Rowling opening a service exclusively for women.

If someone has a GRC and is legally female for all purposes, how will they be able to exclude them from any single sex service or space? Saying 'Men are already crossing women's boundaries so more won't matter' isn't a good argument.


As I said at the time my take on, and objection to your misrepresentation of AS is based on this, and subsequent posts.

I stand by every word of that post to which you objected bar the one element I have retracted.

You rather conveniently haven't actually addressed the dishonest argumentation generated my remarks, starting with her misquoting of offending data and claims that TW commit more crimes than men, because she didnt understand the terminology, to her false unevidenced claims pertaining to women's attitudes, to her inability to understand the difference between populations of two seperate surveys etc etc. Not that I think you should because its tedious and tbqhwy my self-esteem isn't predicated on your affirmation.

A central theme of your and AS's posts is my gender, something I find rather amusing given the origins of this tendentious legislation in Scotland was a woman. Not only that, but the majority of women don't feel as you and AS do.
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Legendary Member
A central theme of your and AS's posts is my gender, something I find rather amusing given the origins of this tendentious legislation in Scotland was a woman. Not only that, but the majority of women based on a single poll of around 3000 women don't feel as you and AS do.
Fixed that for you.

Rusty Nails

Country Member
Not only that, but the majority of women don't feel as you and AS do.

Have the majority of women in this country actually been asked a question that specifically reflects the views of AS and MS, taking into account the full range of avenues and timescales of defining as transgender? I am not sure that AS and MS fully share the same views, other than sharing similar misgivings.


Have the majority of women in this country actually been asked a question that specifically reflects the views of AS and MS, taking into account the full range of avenues and timescales of defining as transgender? I am not sure that AS and MS fully share the same views, other than sharing similar misgivings.

My comment is based on AS's declaration that the majority of women do not want trans women in women's spaces. The only recent evidence I could find on women's attitudes was a survey revealing the majority (51%) of women are unconcerned about it. AS countered with another survey...but it wasn't a poll of women, it was a survey of men and women. When I pointed it out she immediately deflected by saying I didn't care about the rest of the women (49%). Hence my exasperation.

We can only work with the evidence we have.


I stand by every word of that post to which you objected bar the one element I have retracted.

You rather conveniently haven't actually addressed the dishonest argumentation generated my remarks, not that I think you should because its tedious and tbqhwy my self-esteem isn't predicated on your affirmation.

A central theme of your and AS's posts is my gender, something I find rather amusing given the origins of this tendentious legislation in Scotland was a woman. Not only that, but the majority of women don't feel as you and AS do.

Your gender is certainly not a central theme of mine nor AS's posts.

Where you get that idea I don't know, I've speculated a couple of times because of your tone, but it certainly isn't central .

Whether the majority or minority feel as AS and I do isn't really relevant - fwiw Id say there's a fairly wide space between the feelings on this, between the two of us .

What is still relevant though is the feelings of discomfort, of a not insignificant number of women, who fear their safer spaces being discarded.

Those women whose feelings have already been massively discounted by individuals who have abused, or taken advantage of them.

They're the ones that I'm personally particularly concerned about here.
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