"Yes" would have been shorter. Personally I don't think we have reached the point where women do not need some protection from men. We must agree to differ on this point.
Except the answer to your question was 'no'. Women are not a separate entity. Not that women don't matter, but from a human rights perspective it's a false paradigm.
We do not differ in the view that we need to do more to tackle violence and sexual assault. Most violence and sexual assault happens within households. This could be for any number of reasons, but it's important to note that it is not correct for the state to intrude into homes in order to survey potential for harm.
We have an emasculated police force, and judiciary, and parliament under an abusive government. In fact it seems that the more essential our public services are, the more disarray they are in. The increasing chaos, is due to the political choices of a government voted in by people who used their vote to support a regime determined to diminish human rights rather than reinforce them. However the signs are that the public are awakening (becoming more woke?)
As an increasing number of families are struggling financially, there are increasing tension. The data I've previously seen is that the biggest single cause of domestic violence are rows about money. Mix increasing numbers of people dealing with their own mental health issues due to insufficient available service provision, with the likelihood of people using alcohol and/or recreational drugs as part of their coping mechanisms, you have a recipe for a social disaster.
The government is not interested in the rights of people, they are interested in achieving an obedient low paid workforce.
'This is not a country run in the interests of billionaires' (to paraphrase) - says a near billionaire Prime Minister. Yeh, right.
Times are changing though, the public have learnt from this abuse. Next general election they will not use their vote to diminish the rights of demonised groups, they will use their vote to retain and reinforce their own rights.