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Don't be so hard on CRXAndy.

He's clearly 'done his own research'.


Welcome yourself into the new modern crisis
LOL. CXR is like a shite mashup of all the most ridiculous posters here.

It's a laugh, innit.

I'm pretty sure we had the statins argument BITD on the main forum with someone who also turned out to be a terrible racist. Certainly a nationalist. One of the people for whom I was happy to accept a thread ban for telling them to eff off IIRC.

Andy's blatantly here for the wind up though so it's up to us to decide whether he really believes anything he's posting.

Pale Rider

Apols if this has been done to death already, but I see the punch a TERF 'woman' has been recalled to a (male) prison for breaching licence conditions.

Given her, er, colourful record, which includes attempted murder and kidnapping, she needs to be careful.

I believe attempted murder carries a life licence, breach one of those and they could theoretically keep you locked up for a long time.

Of less concern for her is she has been charged with a scratty public order offence for the TERF remark, and is due to appear before Westminster Mags on Thursday.

There's no doubt some of these blokes in dresses don't do their cause any favours.


Legendary Member
Of course you know already, but it appears she doesn't like TERFs, otherwise why urge those attending a public meeting to punch one?

If you knew a bit more about Baker you might have a bit more bit sympathy for her situation. This a bit of her story as she tells it.

As a child she was subject to years of ongoing torture and sexual abuse by a family member. She was taken into care, placed with another family and abused some more. The system failed her badly. When she was old enough and strong enough she paid back her one of her abusers. She beat him badly. The anger in her must have been strong. I reckon that as a teenager the anger would have been strong too, and without the ability to express it.

On going to prison the abuse continued, both inmates and prison officers were part of it. Rape became routine. Apparently her body is covered in scars. Few people could have withstood in life what has been thrown her way.

I'm not condoning what she did, but by placing myself in her shoes, I'm not sure that I could not have made the same mistake of beating my abuser to a pulp as soon as I had the ability.

Her gender incongruence must be very strong indeed. She pleaded for her help in prison. No help came, just further abuse until she cut off her own genitals in desperation. Inevitably she almost died from blood loss, but she survived.

What Baker said at Pride was a poor choice of words especially for someone in her position It was a rhetorical retaliation for what Linda Bellos had been saying in public about punching 'those bastards'. Bellos did not go to prison. After being held in a male prison for 30 years of ongoing abuse, Baker has been sent back to a male prison to face further abuse.

I don't know how much of her story is true, but just dividing her experience by say a factor of 10 if you think she exaggerates, she's had a very tough life, never having experienced affection let alone be free from torture and abuse. The emotional scarring must be hell to live with.

The things that trans activists say tend to mirror the lesser of the threat. Trans people live with threats every day, they live in fear of others.

There are religious fanatics calling for the genocide of trans people especially in the USA, but rarely is any action taken against such people. Instead politicians are joining in with the rhetoric. People can not be surprised to hear the word 'fascists' being used. There is incitement to genocide taking place. This incitement is leading to the murder of trans people. In one case last week a woman was murdered due to a perception of being trans - she wasn't. She was a cis woman.

Here's just one example of incitement to genocide.


Compare her story if you will with Tory MP Andrew Rossindell with arrest for multiple allegations against him for the rape and sexual abuse of boys, with the protection on a ban of mention of his name for over a year. Still he walks free having been bailed for I think the forth time. His constituents were not aware of these allegations. He has just be selected to stand at the next general election.

'If you see a TERF punch them in the face' are words that should not have been spoken. Thankfully this was recognised by the crowd as a rhetorical device with entertainment value. Nobody punched a TERF in the face as a result. Bellos on the other hand was more serious.


When the Met first investigated Baker for saying 'punch a TERF', they declared there was no criminality. However Braverman intervened, and she has been returned to jail.

There is much evidence that this government actually do hate trans people.
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Pale Rider

Nicely put together, thanks.

Anyone, and I mean, anyone convicted of kidnap and attempted murder gets little sympathy from me.

However, I have a grim admiration for those who truly can do the time after doing the crime.

She's done 30 years, which is a big pile of prison porridge by any standard.

What she's failed to grasp is that having secured release, she needs to behave like a monk.

Having seen the video, I think you are being a little kind about the rhetorical nature of her urging the audience to punch a TERF, although I accept that is open to interpretation.

The resulting public order offence, which as you say the Met were apparently not keen on to begin with, is probably only worth a fine, certainly not any jail time, so she's cocked up badly there.

The danger now is she may find herself almost lost in the system for a number of years, so she will need to box clever to avoid that.

In the context of this thread, I could bellow 'whataboutery' about Rossindell.

But I'm not, because any allegations of this nature deserve all the publicity they get, particularly as in this case there seems to have been some attempt at secret justice.

It's not the first time I've seen a person in power have what I would call an unusual journey through the courts.

The press normally get there in the end, as appears to be happening in this case.

But that doesn't make the attempted cover-up any less reprehensible.

There may be a reason why certain orders were made, but I always look very askance at any attempt to restrict naming a criminal defendant, especially a public figure accused of a serious crime.

Deleted member 159

Of course you know already, but it appears she doesn't like TERFs, otherwise why urge those attending a public meeting to punch one?

You mean, normal women and men standing up for women's rights.


You mean, normal women and men standing up for women's rights.

Are they normal?

They are a minority of weird fixated zealots.

Take you, for example. Here you are banging out the hate, and yet you have never met, let alone spoken to a trans person.
If you knew a bit more about Baker you might have a bit more bit sympathy for her situation.
There are lots of men and women with horrific trauma. They don't grow up to be violent adults, nor do they get on stage to promote violence against women.

What Baker said at Pride was a poor choice of words especially for someone in her position
An exhortation to punch women isn't a poor choice of words. You can't even condemn it properly... it was just a bit ill advised apparently.

It was a rhetorical retaliation for what Linda Bellos had been saying in public about punching 'those bastards'.
It was 5 years ago that Linda Bellas was speaking about single sex spaces and said 'If one of them comes near me I will punch them'. She was interviewed by the police under caution. Barker's 'punch a terf' wasn't in response to that comment at all. Bellos didn't get a free pass, despite not being out on licence for violent offences.

The things that trans activists say tend to mirror the lesser of the threat. Trans people live with threats every day, they live in fear of others.
Mirror? There are no women walking round with 'Decapitate Terfs' signs but aimed at the transgender community or nailing rats to the door of trans community centres as happened to a women's refuge in Canada. Or sending thousands of rape and death threats Both sides though eh?

There are religious fanatics calling for the genocide of trans people especially in the USA, but rarely is any action taken against such people.
We aren't in the US. No British feminists are calling for genocide. This is hyperbolic justification for violence. Transgender people are a safe demographic in the UK. Barker wasn't calling for action against US fundamentalist Christians. They were calling for violence against women in the UK.

Instead politicians are joining in with the rhetoric. People can not be surprised to hear the word 'fascists' being used. There is incitement to genocide taking place.
There's only one side in the UK who dress in black and masks to intimidate women meeting lawfully. There's only one side routinely sending rape and death threats to women. The fact that you have to reframe any defence of women's single sex spaces and services as fascism and incitement to genocide is typical of your overwrought emotive special pleading.

'If you see a TERF punch them in the face' are words that should not have been spoken. Thankfully this was recognised by the crowd as a rhetorical device with entertainment value. Nobody punched a TERF in the face as a result. Bellos on the other hand was more serious.
It wasn't a rhetorical device. It was a call to violence met with a cheer. If a woman had said the same to a cheer from a big crowd we would never hear the end of it on here.

When the Met first investigated Baker for saying 'punch a TERF', they declared there was no criminality. However Braverman intervened, and she has been returned to jail.
Why was Bellos interviewed under caution but a violent criminal on license from a life sentence got an initial free pass? would be a better question.

This is so typical. We are supposed to feel sorry for the criminal adult male with a platform, whose violent talk is just an ill-advised response to their trauma, but no sympathy at all for women or girls, who may have trauma from assault or rape, and who are faced with sharing facilities with males, including this one.

The lengths you will go to to excuse the behaviour of transactivists is astounding. There's literally nothing in this movement that can't be excused or justified.



Legendary Member
TERFs just dox trans women when they discover their previous identities and send the thugs out to vandalise their cars, break into their houses and set fire to them on their way out.

Apparently that's OK. Don't say it doesn't happen.

Levels of real violence against TERFs in the UK due their beliefs is non-existent.
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