Gender again. Sorry!

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As you and I know, Stock presented to the all party parliamentary committee and lied to them but giving a false account of the evidence. The author of the evidence later called her out for it.

Again, you claim one thing then say another. Cecilia Dhejne did not 'call out' Kathleen Stock. Transwoman academic Alex Sharpe and Ruth Pearce presented Dhejne's later comments as in their view contradicting the common reading of the research, which Stock presented. You looked for something to bash Kathleen Stock with and made up something to suit.

You literally say here that you received a letter from her. Let's see it.


I can only think you hate Kathleen Stock because she's an actual woman and an actual lesbian. She doesn't care about the performance of femininity, how she dresses, wearing make up, what her hair looks like. And yet everybody accepts her as a woman and a lesbian with no effort required on her part whatsoever.
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Again, you claim one thing then say another. Cecilia Dhejne did not 'call out' Kathleen Stock. Transwoman academic Alex Sharpe and Ruth Pearce presented Dhejne's later comments as in their view contradicting the common reading of the research, which Stock presented. You looked for something to bash Kathleen Stock with and made up something to suit.

You literally say here that you received a letter from her. Let's see it.

View attachment 5221

I can only think you hate Kathleen Stock because she's an actual woman and an actual lesbian. She doesn't care about the performance of femininity, how she dresses, wearing make up, what her hair looks like. And yet everybody accepts her as a woman and a lesbian with no effort required on her part whatsoever.
Now if only you could accept a trans woman or trans man for what they are. Not what you feel they should be like.

As for a letter sent to an individual, why should anyone have to provide it for you to see!


Deleted member 159

I think they just organise dogging events since one of their organisers got sent to jail. These possibly might happen in farmer Andy's field, but I feel it would be impolite to ask him.

No rights of way on my land :biggrin:
That's not what Dhejne, one of 3 authors of the Danish research, said at all. As far as I know Dhejne has never mentioned Kathleen Stock and her own later comments are inconsistent with the stated findings of her own research.

You don't speak for lesbians as a community anymore than she does though. Lots of people don't think men can be lesbians. Kathleen Stock is hardly an outlier with that opinion.

Where is this letter? Surely it's in the public domain by now? Seems a bit odd that she was personally writing to individuals to recruit them to her Hiving Off Lesbians master plan.

That link wasn't a response to a letter from Stock or anyone else. It was a response to Stock getting an OBE for general services to Higher Education and a general moan about transphobia. Why do you post untrue stuff that can be checked in Google?

Let's see this letter from Kathleen Stock that you and others personally received. Must be on a website somewhere surely.

And now you're speaking for the academic community as well as the lesbian community. It's a good job this is a 10 poster forum at the arse end of the web not Twitter where you can't get away with making up stuff about prominent people or accusing them of lying.


Again, you claim one thing then say another. Cecilia Dhejne did not 'call out' Kathleen Stock. Transwoman academic Alex Sharpe and Ruth Pearce presented Dhejne's later comments as in their view contradicting the common reading of the research, which Stock presented. You looked for something to bash Kathleen Stock with and made up something to suit.

You literally say here that you received a letter from her. Let's see it.

View attachment 5221

I can only think you hate Kathleen Stock because she's an actual woman and an actual lesbian. She doesn't care about the performance of femininity, how she dresses, wearing make up, what her hair looks like. And yet everybody accepts her as a woman and a lesbian with no effort required on her part whatsoever.

Williams: Before I contacted you for this interview, were you aware of the way your work was being misrepresented?

Dhejne: Yes! It’s very frustrating! I’ve even seen professors use my work to support ridiculous claims. I’ve often had to respond myself by commenting on articles, speaking with journalists, and talking about this problem at conferences. The Huffington Post wrote an article about the way my research is misrepresented. At the same time, I know of instances where ethical researchers and clinicians have used this study to expand and improve access to trans healthcare and impact systems of anti-trans oppression.

Of course trans medical and psychological care is efficacious. A 2010 meta-analysis confirmed by studies thereafter show that medical gender confirming interventions reduces gender dysphoria.

Are you going to continue to say that Stock was representing the research accurately?

I have shown you the evidence that Dhejne says she is frustrated by professors making ridiculous claims. I shown you evidence that the academic community including scientists and colleague philosophers regard her as an obsessive attention seeking transphobe.

In your opinion that make me the problem. And you talk about others using mental gymnastics!


I was told that farmers are diversifying.

Funny you should mention that - this could be a new and profitable venture for CXRandy, some lyrics wot I wrote over 50 years ago, to be sung to the tune of The Lincolnshire Poacher by the rugby club I played for back then.

"If you should come for a holiday in famous Lincolnshire
Bring welly boots and a sheepskin rug, just like the one I wear.
It's not because of the weather boys, it's bright and sunny here.
It's so you can creep up on a sheep and take it from the rear."

I thang yew. I'll spare you the other verses, as they're too disgusting for repetition.
Are you going to continue to say that Stock was representing the research accurately?
She quoted the bit I've quoted. Transwomen retain a male pattern of criminality.
I have shown you the evidence that Dhejne says she is frustrated by professors making ridiculous claims.
No you said she 'called out' Stock. She didn't.
You make very specific claims about Stock and then try to make out you've made general ones.

I shown you evidence that the academic community including scientists and colleague philosophers regard her as an obsessive attention seeking transphobe.
No. You said you had a letter. You didn't.

In your opinion that make me the problem. And you talk about others using mental gymnastics!
It's a problem when you make up stuff to denigrate individuals then can't back it up. It's a you problem, granted, and it shows the paucity of your arguments.


No. You said you had a letter. You didn't.

Yes I called it a letter - it was by way of email - a widely circulated letter called 'a call to arms' copied to a long list of people available in a directory- it was NOT A PERSONAL LETTER.

If this is all you think you've got on me, then clearly you are floundering magnificently.


It's a problem when you make up stuff to denigrate individuals then can't back it up. It's a you problem, granted, and it shows the paucity of your arguments.

You asked for evidence in some certainty that I couldn't provide it.

I have provided the evidence. The lead author of the Swedish report says they are frustrated by the mischaracterisation of the work. The Swedish report does not say that trans women retain a male pattern of criminality. This is a lie told by Stock to the advisory committee.
The lead author says this is wrong.

I've also given you the response from the academic community, hundreds of signatures to say they profoundly disagree with her. They/we are absolutely disgusted by the bigotry, and the lack of professionalism as an academic.

You've stood behind Stock this whole time, defending her lies, simply because you share the same bigotry. Now you resort to this petty squabbling and mischaracterising my words, because you are an empty vessel. Give it up.

Ian H

Legendary Member
Just a snippet from an article I'm currently reading [SGB = Sports Governing Body]
Whilst SGBs will typically have qualified legal duties not to discriminate on grounds such as gender or birth traits, and, possibly, to protect the rights of athletes to a fair competition in the context of anti-doping regulations, they do not appear to be under a duty to ensure fairness with regards to natural genetic pre-dispositions. As such, it appears less easy to accept the protection of fair competition as an overriding ethical (or legal duty) of all SGBs.
Yes I called it a letter - it was by way of email - a widely circulated letter called 'a call to arms' copied to a long list of people available in a directory- it was NOT A PERSONAL LETTER.

If this is all you think you've got on me, then clearly you are floundering magnificently.

No sign of it anywhere on the Internet though which is a bit odd for a widely circulated 'call to arms'.

In the Transadvocate interview Dhejne says '..I’ve even seen professors use my work to support ridiculous claims'. Stock isn't even mentioned and in fact the quotes Dhejne is asked to comment on are about all aspects of her research and from news articles, and random Twitter posts, not Stock.

Throughout this recent thread you've constantly denigrated Kathleen Stock, chucking mud and hoping it sticks, when her views are actually pretty mainstream.
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