As you and I know, Stock presented to the all party parliamentary committee and lied to them but giving a false account of the evidence. The author of the evidence later called her out for it.
Again, you claim one thing then say another. Cecilia Dhejne did not 'call out' Kathleen Stock. Transwoman academic Alex Sharpe and Ruth Pearce presented Dhejne's later comments as in their view contradicting the common reading of the research, which Stock presented. You looked for something to bash Kathleen Stock with and made up something to suit.
You literally say here that you received a letter from her. Let's see it.
I can only think you hate Kathleen Stock because she's an actual woman and an actual lesbian. She doesn't care about the performance of femininity, how she dresses, wearing make up, what her hair looks like. And yet everybody accepts her as a woman and a lesbian with no effort required on her part whatsoever.
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