So basically because some people are mean to you about your disability you are siding with another group who you perceived to be as marginalised as the disabled. And women should put up with what you demand transwomen should be allowed to do because why exactly? Because trans people are also marginalised? You are asking women and girls to make sacrifices to give transwomen what they want with no thought to their own welfare. That's not very kind of you now is it?I've had a lifetime of people like her making their opinions about my disability known. Often quite vocally.
Again, you're projecting your upset at being a member of a marginalised group. And asking women and girls to pay the cost.Whilst I'm viewing parts of these threads from a viewpoint of another minority group, the same prejudices are plainly visible. Right down to the choice of wording, only she doesn't use disabled as much, in her rants. Everyone in that group is treated the same by her, and if you're not agreeing with her then you're wrong.
'People are mean to the disabled so transwomen should get what they want' isn't a very convincing argument.