Grayson Perry would tell you to very much F Off. He had quite strong opinions about it. As one of the most famous transvestites in the country I would have thought his opinion would carry some weight.
Trans = Across
Gender = Male or Female
Someone who is transgender wants to be the gender that they are not. Surely that's the only definition?
A man who wants to wear women's clothes but does not wish to be a woman is not in any way transgender.
I'm not taking sides here. I've heard Perry's strong opinions before, but equally there are strong voices that disagree with him. All I'm saying is that there is no universal definition, so care needs to be taken with its use.
The Daily Mail, for example, has form for identifying misdemeanours of cross-dressers as 'transgender offenders' for example, presumably because it serves the political agenda.
Edit to add. Also if a trans person says that their earliest sense of a gender identity is one of incongruence, then it's harder to say that 'their gender has gone across'.
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