I mean, you are being replaced intellectual and functionally by a bot my friend, it has your number...
Newcastle fan Linzi Smith banned by the club for believing their are only males and female sex
Free Speech union advocate doing a subject access request for anyone who supports any premier league club. They have a previously unknown social media unit trawling fans social media posts for GC opinions
Oh dear
View: https://twitter.com/SpeechUnion/status/1753606157552189450?t=PeaacjNt3A77sTcGIs5FPg&s=19
That's your opinion. If you say 'People with a cervix need to get a smear test' that's more ambiguous and unclear than 'Women need to get a smear test'. The cost of not excluding marginalised groups - I assume you mean transwomen - does come at a cost.
Such assumptions are fallacious and intend harm. The NHS intent is to filter out the people who do not need to be included in a health screening campaign while ensuring people such as trans women are included. The intent is efficiency and economy - therefore not what you assume, but a vehicle for ongoing bigotry.
Then say 'Women and transmen need a smear test' and 'Men and transwomen need a prostate exam'. Clear, and accurately targets those who need to know.
If you think that only girls and women who menstruate need smear tests you are woefully ignorant about female anatomy. Do you honestly think women who have blocked their periods by taking testosterone don't need smear tests? Most don't get full hysterectomies with cervix removal. Likewise, you still need smear tests after the menopause for several years or if you have retained your cervix after a subtotal hysterectomy.
I bow to your superior knowledge on how estrogen makes dicks floppy but you are showing your ignorance of women's biology here. It's very irresponsible.
A quick Google demonstrates that this 'story' is only being reported by the Mail, Telegraph, the ridiculous Free Speech Union, David Icke, the repulsive David Atherton, and a few other crackpot internet sites.
All of these are unreliable sources.
Roughly four of every 10 cases of HPV-induced cancer now occur in men.That's your opinion. If you say 'People with a cervix need to get a smear test' that's more ambiguous and unclear than 'Women need to get a smear test'. The cost of not excluding marginalised groups - I assume you mean transwomen - does come at a cost.
"Language such 'lactating parent' instead of 'breastfeeding mothers' is dehumanising".
Apart from which erasing sex specific words is a step in removing women's ability to describe themselves accurately as a sex class with specific needs. If you say '3,000 people a year get cervical cancer' that's a very different ratio to '3,000 women a year get cervical cancer' and diminishes the scale of the problem.
It is unsurprising that you hold the views you do, given yourmediailliteracy.