Baron Cohen's assertion seems to be that some differences in cognitive ability are due to organic/structural differences in the brain. Ripon says there are no significantly measurable organic/structural differences - which seems to be the view of other neurologists. In fact she does talk about neural plasticity - girls might have certain areas of the brain that look different but doing certain tasks regularly makes these areas look like the same area on boys. I think playing video games was her example. So are boys naturally better at video games? Or does a certain area of their brain look a certain way because they are socialised to play video games far more and girls aren't? And even if brains look a little different on scans how do we know how that translates to brain function, if it even translates at all?
This was my reply to this.
So in short, there's nothing helpful there either in defining 'what a woman is'. Every attempt to define what a woman is, even by women, fails.
So let's just let us women say, 'I am a woman'. Job done.
Context and nuance are everything. You were unable to backup your claims when questioned.
What I posited was the only response to your failure. If you can't support your own argument against self-Id then the response has to be to allow self-Id.
My actual opinions on self-Id have been stated clearly a number of times. But I'll briefly state it again for you. The promises made to trans people in the GRA are being broken. Trans people were promised the apparatus of the state to transition in two years. Nobody achieves that.
Trans people are left withering on the vine without healthcare for their needs for years. As I explained to you before in an early post, trans women have been given the access to hormone treatment, but then otherwise neglected for years. This results in such atrophy that then they are often not able to go forward for surgery.
This, despite your complaint that many trans women retain 'a penis'. I have described to you that such a penis is no longer capable of being a sexual organ, it becomes nothing but a urethra. You seized upon this with glee. Remember your never-ending references to 'floppy penises' thereafter?
My position has been stated thus - I agree with the parliamentary select committees (both of them) that came to the conclusion that given the failures of the state to provide healthcare, and the lack of desire to fund what parliament had promised, then a suitable system of self-Id was necessary (I did not say 'ideal').
I've also said that given these political choices to underfund the system, then the Scottish system looked to be a step in the right direction, even if not ideal.
I resort to taking this piss out of you because your head contains what seems to be a moral vacuum.
I have previously urged you to campaign against this rotten government who have not just underfunded the systems required to provide the healthcare for trans people. Instead you are supporting the government in scapegoating their failures by demonising the community that the government are required to protect.
My conclusion is that you have allowed yourself to be recruited into this because you harbour extreme bigotry. A bigotry which you have never managed to justify with reasonable argument.
This is the bigotry that ended the life of Brianna Ghey.
Women are killed in horrific numbers in the UK, but for much different reasons - domestic disputes mostly, and according to sources, those arguments are so often about matters such as money and sharing chores.
To compare the murder rates of each group is a folly since the motivations are quire different.