Ah. there is the possibility that both were right. It depends on the terms of reference. The ideas of god and religion are mostly 'man in the sky' here, but not everywhere.
But as some woman I hope to reply before we get derailed a bit.
(I wrote most of this a little while back but had internet wobblies.)
The existence of trans people does not affect me. Focus on gender difference bothers me rotten, because I reckon that any ideas of what is normal/abnormal there result in people giving me a hard time, up to the point of trying to beat me up and/or my having to leave my vocation to bring up my child.
I do not in any way blame trans people for these things. Obviously we are affected by the same hostile attitudes. If I have to kick over a book display for tiny infants in the public library featuring nothing but girl ballerinas and boy footballers I hope the trans community would support this.
I am unable to kick over a culture which expects women to wear make-up ( yes, this can be required without breaching employment law ) all by myself. Feminism left me out when the likes of Julie Burchill became icons. The ideas of 'good girls' and good boys' start so young and go so deep now that the media are our babysitters. Who is to say that in a genuinely liberated society dysphoria would still be such a big thing?
And how to work for this better world anyway? Small ways? So I don't sell kid's clothes on
ebay because I'd have to gender label them... So I try to debate here to find common ground rather than nit-picking... Big ways?