The research on transgender issues tends to be of poor quality. There is some evidence that most children who identify as trans in their early teens desist if they do not go on puberty blockers or cross sex hormones. If you go on puberty blockers you tend to carry on onto cross sex hormones.
The whole model of giving 'trans kids' drugs comes from what is known as the Dutch Study. Turns out this was funded by the makers of puberty blockers. Sweden, Denmark, and the Netherlands are all now questioning the use of puberty blockers as there are issues over long term effects and whether children can consent to bone damage, infertility, loss of sexual function, at age 11 - 14.
There are a growing number of detransitioners though. The Detransitioner forum on Reddit has 25k members, though they won't all be transgender. If it was innate like same sex attraction, people would not completely detransition.
There's a huge amount of money to be made from transgender patients, especially in the US. Life long drugs-requiring patient from early teens til death, plus surgery costs - it's a massive cash cow and the surgery market is growing year on year with a cost of $100k per patient.
No, but social contagion is a real thing. We know that from studies of anorexia. Why is there a sudden upsurge in children being referred to gender clinics? Why are many of these kids gay? Why are there disproportionately high numbers of teenage girls? We need to look at this and proceed with caution.
There's a worry we might be transitioning our gay kids rather than encouraging them to be comfortable with their gayness. Which is what they do in Iran, of course. There's certainly some parents who would rather have a straight daughter than a gay son.
The interim Cass Report on UK gender services noted all this - and said that even social transitioning isn't a neutral act. It can concretise a gender identity which might otherwise be a passing phase.
Plenty of left wing people are concerned about this issue too. Just because the US right wing have piled in on it, for different reasons, does not mean there isn't anything at all to be concerned about.