I'm not persuaded that religious belief is truth, the clue is in the term belief. What is a truth changes over time.
Truth by definition doesn't change over time. It is fixed. Our knowledge of it may change.
Disputes arise even between bishops of the same faith.
The Anglican bishops illustrate the above. Those who think LGBT is biblically acceptable and morally good and those who don't. They cannot both be right. They cannot agree that 'you have your truth and I have mine' when their views are inconsistent with each other, are a contradiction in terms.
The C of E's first non-binary priest has claimed 'God led him into new truth'. There is no such thing.
I'm not a great fan of Freud. His theories don't seem to have stood the test of time very well when suitably analysed.
I didn’t claim that you are aligned with Trump on every subject but it does appear that you are in agreement on your distaste and the need for trans people to stop being so visible because really it’s just wrongness in their heads. Is that a fair summary of what you said you believe?
I'd go back a stage and say I don't believe trans people actually exist. What I mean is biological sex cannot be changed, and as gender is
essentially the same thing you cannot transition from male to female or vice versa. If gender is a social construct, something you 'feel', then how can you define what you are transitioning from and to anyway?
You cannot have a sign in the loos saying they may be cleaned by male and female attendants if you cannot say what female is -
what is a woman.
Right wing politician takes opportunity to garner more right wing support by taking advantage of a high profile issue.
Trump may be a populist, but he is tapping into a popular concern. Parents in the States have very real concerns at massive state overreach into the lives of their children that can lead to their harm. They don't want ruinous fines or the threat of imprisonment if they don't go alone with this.
Anglican Unscripted gave the example of Disney's latest film (
Strange World I think) considered to be too woke which has tanked at the box office and set to lose $100 million. Parents don't want this.