Legendary Member
This is precisely what I am trying to avoid!
Is it really necessary to have spelling conventions enshrined in law? Doesn't this reveal the untenable foundation of transgenderism, also having to make using the 'wrong' pronouns illegal. I'm somewhat libertarian in what adults should be free to do, but a red warning light goes on with the background control-freakery on this issue.
That happens more often than you might think!
Self identifying according to what you subjectively feel or perceive in your head does not change the objective reality around you.
I don't think it is the Christians themselves you ought to be scared of.
I would hope no-one here would not be sorry to hear you have had to suffer violence like this.
Maybe, just maybe, smashing the patriarchy was not such as good idea if it enabled men to escape a sense of responsibility towards women who are the weaker sex. I think egalitarianism has something to answer for in this regard. Treating as equal what isn't equal. Men treating women as though they were men - fine in some circumstances but not in others.
It's not a spelling error or a typo in your case, given its persistence.
It's like the difference between knowing your sh(1)t, and knowing you're sh(1)t.