I think you used some superfluous words there...The Daily Mail are among the worse for their attacks on trans people.

No-one condones violent attacks.
I think you used some superfluous words there...The Daily Mail are among the worse for their attacks on trans people.
This is what I really don't understand. @AuroraSaab is giving you her opinion. You disagreed with it and said:-
Why the need to accuse someone who interpreted something differently to you of being dishonest, when you had a perfectly good point to make?
Can't we all just try being a bit nicer to each other instead? It just gets a bit wearing after a while. This includes @CXRAndy @AuroraSaab and @monkers too. Shall we try a reset and answer points with points?
(the answer's probably no, but it's worth a try)
I'm not sure that's entirely true, and I personally don't see any "tactics". I've seen her support her arguments - sometimes with sources that you have quite rightly challenged as being spurious, and I have seen that sometimes, like most people, she is inconsistent or draws a different conclusion. I have also seen her attacked multiple times and people really being quite rude. In the interests of balance she has also been quite rude back. Also, I've been posting on this thread since #8 in 2022 - been here longer than you think ;-)You are relatively new to this thread, Iain. Those of us who've been here a while have grown weary of her tactics.
Seven people left because of them.
Seven people left because of them.
Given that both quoted posts were yours, it stands to reason that it's "literally what you said".The post you quote literally says what I said.
You might be surprised to learn that it has nothing to do with the Equalities Act, or guidance from a body such as the EHRC, and more to do with protecting themselves from any claims arising from misuse. And very likely that it's down in their insurance as well.Well they look at the advice from the EHRC and the Equality Act and decide whether it is a proportionate action for a legitimate aim to exclude group x,y, or z. Then they do it. If a member of group x,y, or z feels their group shouldn't have been excluded they are free to seek legal redress against the employer or service provider.
The fact that they don't place a weight or height restriction may be nothing but being diplomatic. Can you imagine a sign that states "No-one over 72lb in weight allowed to use the ball pool"?It's not done on an individual basis though is it? Otherwise they would allow small 12 year olds in the ball pool and tiny adults. It's done on the individual scenario of each service or facility that IKEA offer.
'Is it proportionate to exclude over tens from the ball pool on the legitimate grounds of safety and safeguarding? 'Yes, let's do it'.
'Is it proportionate to exclude over tens from the restaurant on the grounds of some of them being noisy? 'No, so let's not do that'.
He shall be known by the company he keeps.This has been stated several times, and it makes me wonder if the actual reason is because they don't like hearing views they don't agree with.
Whatever you think of Calvin Robinson, and who doesn't, I heard him report on his debate at Cambridge University (which I haven't heard) on his shock at students at one of the world's leading universities being unable to cope with dissenting views.
The WW1 trench warfare type of debate has become all too common with both sides firing off verbal shells at each other but never communicating.
This has been stated several times, and it makes me wonder if the actual reason is because they don't like hearing views they don't agree with.
Whatever you think of Calvin Robinson, and who doesn't, I heard him report on his debate at Cambridge University (which I haven't heard) on his shock at students at one of the world's leading universities being unable to cope with dissenting views.
The WW1 trench warfare type of debate has become all too common with both sides firing off verbal shells at each other but never communicating.
It's not whataboutery to suggest a private individual pursuing advocacy outside work is very different from someone allowing unevidenced ideology to lead the direction of their work.
You haven't even looked at the Cass Report by the sounds of it.
A lot of the kids had chosen the same names from some of their favourite YouTubers. Some of them were coming into the consultation room with the same script. They were clearly speaking with each other in online spaces and other worlds which we were not part of, as professionals,” she said.
Trendy fashion cult.
A lot of the kids had chosen the same names from some of their favourite YouTubers. Some of them were coming into the consultation room with the same script. They were clearly speaking with each other in online spaces and other worlds which we were not part of, as professionals,” she said.
Trendy fashion cult.
"With unprecedented help from mental health experts, we have raised the loneliest, most anxious, depressed, pessimistic, helpless, and fearful generation on record. Why?
How did the first generation to raise kids without spanking produce the first generation to declare they never wanted kids of their own? How did kids raised so gently come to believe that they had experienced debilitating childhood trauma? How did kids who received far more psychotherapy than any previous generation plunge into a bottomless well of despair"?
Abigail Shirer.
"With unprecedented help from mental health experts, we have raised the loneliest, most anxious, depressed, pessimistic, helpless, and fearful generation on record. Why?
How did the first generation to raise kids without spanking produce the first generation to declare they never wanted kids of their own? How did kids raised so gently come to believe that they had experienced debilitating childhood trauma? How did kids who received far more psychotherapy than any previous generation plunge into a bottomless well of despair"?
Abigail Shirer.
This be the verse.
They fark you up, your mum and dad.
They may not mean to, but they do.
They fill you with the faults they had
And add some extra, just for you.
But they were farked up in their turn
By fools in old-style hats and coats,
Who half the time were soppy-stern
And half at one another’s throats.
Man hands on misery to man.
It deepens like a coastal shelf.
Get out as early as you can,
And don’t have any kids yourself.