Has poppymania gone too far?

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Some of these charities are scams and service charities and cancer charities are easily copied by fraudsters. If you see street collectors for a charity you've never heard if it's worth looking them up at the Charity Commission. There was one that had a 'Help for Heroes' type name, similar logo and font, that was collecting in our local precinct. Turned out to be a fraudulent one. It cost very little to get a few posters and sweatshirts printed.


It's only a minority of remembrance obsessives who 'police' poppy wearing, and the unfiltered amplification by social media that makes it seem like a real problem.
The BBC are terrified of having someone on screen not wearing a poppy.

Mr Celine

Well-Known Member

Is that @theclaud ?


Well-Known Member
Re originally quoted article "and a culture of poppy policing has grown with it.".

For me such symbols don't affect me and I find I remember past wars too frequently, the madness, the horrific impacts, etc. (despite my never having participated in one).

But I can also appreciate how ritual and ceremony is important to others and if every TV presenter, every politician, etc. all wear poppies if only to reassure those who were involved and find the ritual important that we do remember then that serves a purpose. I can see how for some wearing a poppy might not be important to them but that they recognise it is important to others.

That said, living rurally, maybe some would say being a bit reclusive, I don't wear a poppy, mainly 'cos noody else would likely see it and the ritual doesn't help me.

But disappointing how the once every 12 months "remembering" by all those politicians wearing their poppies does not seem to discourage them when it comes to starting more wars or from inaction to prevent wars.



Well-Known Member

But disappointing how the once every 12 months "remembering" by all those politicians wearing their poppies does not seem to discourage them when it comes to starting more wars or from inaction to prevent wars.

This is the sad thing. Politicians seem to wear the poppy without understanding the horrors of war

Edit - its unfair to single out politicians, so many of the population are equally guilty.


This is the sad thing. Politicians seem to wear the poppy without understanding the horrors of war
Edit - its unfair to single out politicians, so many of the population are equally guilty.
Most of the population aren't involved about the decisions of starting a war though. I've always liked the fact that we are quite reserved in our appreciation of the military and that remembrance is quietly celebrated. I'd rather that than the false jingoism of our American cousins. I remember my first visit to Seaworld and the appalling bit at the start of the Shamu show where they ask "all our heroic veterans to stand so tat they can be honoured" and having to listen to the national anthem and all the applauding and "thank you for your service" nonsense.


Senior Member
These armed forces charities bother me

Not the BL as they have been around for ages - and they and the RAFA helped my Dad out a lot in his last years

However I keep remembering my Dad telling me that, when he was in hospital in about 1947 - due to his war injuries

yes it took that long for his to be well enough to leave

a very senior RAF officer came along and spoke to them - damn brave of him to be honest
but he said
You have given your all for this country and has suffered for it
Your country owes you a great debt
anything you need for help you live your life this country will provide
It is not something you have to ask for - it is something we owe you
for how ever long you need it

or words to that effect

so - I wonder - what on Earth do Help for Heroes (to pick one that I have seen a lot about) spend their money on that the government should not be providing already???

A lot of this we see them saying they have provided is just stuff WE owe these people
not something a charity needs to collect for

Just my thoughts


LOL I am not very far out of shot in the first pic. Our mascots are truly shit.

Do any teams have good mascots?
At least the big swan can bow his head in sorrow.


Legendary Member
Just as the ultra right nats have effectively hijacked the flag of St. George, and some will some the union flag too, the left should hijack the poppies. It'll fun to hear the likes of Mark Francois start screaming that 'poppies are woke virtue signalling nonsense'.


Well-Known Member
so - I wonder - what on Earth do Help for Heroes (to pick one that I have seen a lot about) spend their money on that the government should not be providing already???
I also question the extent that charities are being used to indirectly fund services that the state (the population) should be providing. Although charities do get some tax breaks, the underlying question is that for some the works they undertake are more providing society's "safety net" for those in desperate need and that should be provided by the country/state/population on a properly funded basis.


Rusty Nails

Country Member
I also question the extent that charities are being used to indirectly fund services that the state (the population) should be providing. Although charities do get some tax breaks, the underlying question is that for some the works they undertake are more providing society's "safety net" for those in desperate need and that should be provided by the country/state/population on a properly funded basis.


You can question as much as you like. The state does not provide as much support to fund the services the people need and deserve, never has and never will. Not even under Labour governments.
That is why charities exist and are necessary…to fill the gaps.


Senior Member
You can question as much as you like. The state does not provide as much support to fund the services the people need and deserve, never has and never will. Not even under Labour governments.
That is why charities exist and are necessary…to fill the gaps.

That's my point
they are filling gaps that a senior RAF Officer promised my Dad that the State would fill with no questions

I agree that they are necessary and do a good job
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