In thinking about how the forum is faring I thought it might be informative to see what the posting rate was like. As I've said, I do enjoy the smaller membership and slower pace of this place, it provides time to think about the points people are making and to consider one's responses properly. The other place got a bit frantic for me and there seemed a bit of a scramble to respond to posts, if you didn't get in straight away then the thread would move on and you'd miss your chance. I think that led to some of the problems we saw, there was less thinking time so people responded in haste, myself included. Post in haste, edit at leisure if you will, but here we don't have a leisurely edit function which I think is also a good step, although I'm a bugger for immediate edits as I always seem to think of an additional point or a different phrasing right after I've hit the post reply button.
Anyway, using myself as an example I've been here since pretty much the beginning and I'm one of the more prolific posters so I guess I'm a useful yardstick. 1162 posts over the course of ten months. Obviously my input waxes and wanes but that's an average of about 116 posts a month, so roughly 25 - 30 posts a week give or take. I like that, it seems a nice pace for the conversation. Hopefully helping to move things forward but not rushing too much.