Law & Order in Freefall. Only 1% of bike thefts charged, never mind convicted.

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Old man on a bike. Not a member of a clique.
South Tyneside
Perhaps the police are otherwise occupied?

Deleted member 121

Considering the Police/Home Office or at least The Sunday Times but probably both seem to consider assault with injury and stalking as a "low-level" offence, lumbered together with cannabis possession then it probably points more to the state of people our society aided in part by the media.


Well-Known Member
There is a basic flaw in the premise here.

It is not fir example only 1% of bike thefts lead to a charge, but 1% of allegations of bike theft lead to a charge.

Because someone alleges something doesn't mean a crime has actually happened.

Deleted member 121

There is a basic flaw in the premise here.

It is not fir example only 1% of bike thefts lead to a charge, but 1% of allegations of bike theft lead to a charge.

Because someone alleges something doesn't mean a crime has actually happened.

I reckon if i park my bike up, lock it and return and it's not there where i left it then there is a pretty good bet a crime has been committed...

Deleted member 121

I've got some new bikes this year. They are marked "property of Rusty Nails" but I just tell the police I'm a scrap metal merchant.


Legendary Member
The difficulty with bicycle crime is multifold.

Firstly, in the vast majority of cases, no-one was hurt, the bike was of low value or medium value and insured. The insurance firm coughs up.

Secondly, let's say that I go up to bikes locked up all day by the station and get my lock loppers out. If I am noticed or recorded on CCTV wearing my balaclava there is no easy way of identifying me. If I keep going back, potentially I could be nabbed but the chances are that I haven't left a van somewhere that my plates can be recorded and ANPR used to track me. I'm probably going to cycle the bike away half a mile or so to somewhere where I parked the van and chuck it in the back. The van is probably nicked anyway.

Thirdly, lets say that the coppers have identified me as the bike thief. They have to present a case to the CPS that I have been nicking bikes and have sufficient evidence the the CPS believe that they can secure a conviction in Court. So if they only have evidence of a couple of bikes I'm looking at a category 3 or 4. The first thing my Barrister is going to do is present a story that I am working for a Mr Big somewhere else nicking bikes to order and that I am doing so through coercion. This gets me a category C. Combine the two and I'm looking at a fine and possible low level community order. Even with a B I'm going to probably manage to get off with a low level community order or worst case a few weeks custody.

Of course, for a petty theft such as Bicycle theft I could be waiting up to 5 years for a Court date as there are 300,000 cases in front of me. I'm not going to be kept in prison whilst I wait. So I'll just go and nick some more bikes.

Dominic Defund-the-Justice-System Raab is responsible for this along with the other 9 ministers we have had since 2015 including such greats as Truss, Failing Grayling, Gauke and Buckland. The only incumbent who achieved anything at all was Brandon Lewis who actually met Barristers and agreed a pay rise.

The Police have their hands tied. Without a working, efficient Justice system there is no point in wasting resources catching petty criminals. Best case is to keep tracking the bike thefts and hopefully one day get enough evidence to find Mr Big.
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the snail

Active Member
There is a basic flaw in the premise here.

It is not fir example only 1% of bike thefts lead to a charge, but 1% of allegations of bike theft lead to a charge.

Because someone alleges something doesn't mean a crime has actually happened.

There are probably some false reports, but is there any reason to think their number has increased? The figures suggest that a very poor conviction rate has taken a nose dive. Thirteen years of governmemnt by the party of law and order, fannying about trying to deport people to Rwanda.


Old man on a bike. Not a member of a clique.
South Tyneside
The difficulty with bicycle crime is multifold.

Firstly, in the vast majority of cases, no-one was hurt, the bike was of low value or medium value and insured. The insurance firm coughs up.

Secondly, let's say that I go up to bikes locked up all day by the station and get my lock loppers out. If I am noticed or recorded on CCTV wearing my balaclava there is no easy way of identifying me. If I keep going back, potentially I could be nabbed but the chances are that I haven't left a van somewhere that my plates can be recorded and ANPR used to track me. I'm probably going to cycle the bike away half a mile or so to somewhere where I parked the van and chuck it in the back. The van is probably nicked anyway.

Thirdly, lets say that the coppers have identified me as the bike thief. They have to present a case to the CPS that I have been nicking bikes and have sufficient evidence the the CPS believe that they can secure a conviction in Court. So if they only have evidence of a couple of bikes I'm looking at a category 3 or 4. The first thing my Barrister is going to do is present a story that I am working for a Mr Big somewhere else nicking bikes to order and that I am doing so through coercion. This gets me a category C. Combine the two and I'm looking at a fine and possible low level community order. Even with a B I'm going to probably manage to get off with a low level community order or worst case a few weeks custody.

Of course, for a petty theft such as Bicycle theft I could be waiting up to 5 years for a Court date as there are 300,000 cases in front of me. I'm not going to be kept in prison whilst I wait. So I'll just go and nick some more bikes.

Dominic Defund-the-Justice-System Raab is responsible for this along with the other 9 ministers we have had since 2015 including such greats as Truss, Failing Grayling, Gauke and Buckland. The only incumbent who achieved anything at all was Brandon Lewis who actually met Barristers and agreed a pay rise.

The Police have their hands tied. Without a working, efficient Justice system there is no point in wasting resources catching petty criminals. Best case is to keep tracking the bike thefts and hopefully one day get enough evidence to find Mr Big.

You sound very knowledgeable on the "skill" of bicycle theft ;)

Deleted member 121

This guy breaks down the problem with current policing. Basically it has been completely hollowed out over the last 12 years.


That copper takes a specific swipe at Theresa May as she was warned as Home Secretary precisely of what looks like has happened with regards to cuts... The gist i got from it is that they've increased the number of coppers in recent years on paper, but those coppers are doing more of the desk jobs of the backroom staff the gov't have laid off, meaning the front line cops are having to sit behind a computer typing up reports, scheduling, ordering stationary and changing bog rolls rather than getting out and mincing criminals which has lead to the experienced coppers leaving in their droves, leaving pillocks behind to do the jobs they are ill equipped and poorly trained for... It makes sense to my pea brain.
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