Lee Anderson is 'very angry' - a thread for all Lee Anderson's ire....

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Ian H

Legendary Member
The creation of CRXA

[Cold War Steve]

Deleted member 159

The creation of CRXA
View attachment 6516
[Cold War Steve]

That's really good Photoshop 👍


Über Member
And you're loving it.

And from what I know of Bristol they'll send them back home. Rioters are the wrong kind of immigrants.


Old man on a bike. Not a member of a clique.
South Tyneside
Here is a link to one of the stories .


And delving a bit deeper, it would seem you can’t find any link to these murders your insinuating. Social media is an absolute cess pit , X is terrible .

A few other "vital ingredients" missing too:

- no mention of immigrant(s)
- no mention of religious affiliation
- no mention of terrorism, indeed, the motive is suggested as good old-fashioned sex


Well-Known Member
At a family celebration meal this evening, my daughter who is working in a veterinary practice in Liverpool, told us of some of the troubles yesterday just down the road from where she works. And of the scary situation the practice staff found themselves in.
Also, of two domestic dogs brought into the practice which had been stabbed. One with the knife still embedded in it.
Remind me again who are the violent knife carriers..........

Ian H

Legendary Member
A reminder that it's not just leftish folk who find Farrage's slithy utterences appalling -
It's impossible to view the postings of Farage, without utter revulsion. He masquerades as a " reasoned commentator" on what he claims to be a national crisis linked to immigrants while claiming he deplores any lawlessness. Then he hints at more lawlessness if his warnings are not heeded. The reality is that his entire political future is dependent on fomenting confrontation and division. It is by creating a climate of crisis that he has got where he has. And some of my former Conservative colleagues have argued the Conservatives should be linking up with Reform! Perhaps this shameful episode will open their eyes to his malevolence. [Dominic Grieve]
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