Lee Anderson is 'very angry' - a thread for all Lee Anderson's ire....

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Elder Goth
You could replace "North East" and "Sunderland" with anywhere in the UK in the following:

North East Mayor Kim McGuinness said she was "appalled" by the scenes in Sunderland.

"Make no mistake, if your response to tragedy is to use it to commit violence, to abuse others, attack the police and damage property you stand for nothing except thuggery," she said.

"You don't speak for Sunderland. You don't speak for this region."


People like this all over the UK are thinking like this
Yes, racist xenophobes do tend to think like racist xenophobes.

They are often not very bright and can be easily manipulated...

Many of them believe everything they read on social media and fail to correctly question what is posted.


Indeed. Though people like the owner of barebones Twitter and CRX are happy to help cause riots and mayhem.

Purveyors of free speech are usually in a different pursuit. The smaller the truth the bigger the mayhem, especially for those colour minded.


Old man on a bike. Not a member of a clique.
South Tyneside

People like what exactly?

This article is from my local Newspaper https://www.shieldsgazette.com/news...-makes-shocking-threats-in-vodka-raid-4724913 It concerns a man, from Sunderland, stealing from a store, about 10 minutes walk from where I live. I may be mistaken, but, I doubt he arrived on a boat.

Yesterday evening, returning from the pub, on the bus, I sat next to a young man who was rather concerned about his own safety, he was a health care worker, returning home after his shift. He happened to be black, he may or may not have been born here.

Personally, I know who I would rather have for a neighbour, or, indeed sit next to on the bus.


Yet another benefit of Brexit !
That 10 years of Tory mollycoddling has come to fruitition.

Deleted member 159

People like what exactly?

Everyday people, working adults, parents- the ones who have to foot the bill. They are sick to death of 'namby pamby' government attitude to local crime, runaway mass immigration, do nothing politicians.

If you speak up, you're classed racist and whatever else slur. Starmer basically grouped all the worried people in the UK as far right thugs. He completely mis-read the general public, openly stated it in his address. The population will not forget that when the time comes. It may come sooner than an election, if the problems aren't addressed

There is nothing wrong with saying, there is far too much uncontrolled immigration- what are you (government) going to do about it. They haven't done anything since Blair opened the borders in 1997.

The spark that has kicked off these riots was the series of events over the last couple of weeks. The underlying issues have been building for decades.

There is a social breakdown because of no integration from mass immigration.


Über Member
The spark that has kicked off these riots was the series of events over the last couple of weeks


The excuse that was seized upon by racists (yes racists) was the horrible deaths of three young girls.

Immediately they mobilised to attack a mosque.

They broke into and looted £10k worth of goods from a convenience store run by Chanaka Balasuryla. Why?

They attacked dozens of police officers, putting 27 in hospital.

They destroyed the property of local people still grieving these children.

The everyday people of Southport (and other targets), working adults, parents, are footing the bill for this criminal attack on their community.

And the community of Southport has rejected the racists’ behaviour and motives, by helping to repair the damage. Local people, tradesmen, including builders and brickies, have given their labour free of charge to restore the area.


Rose Tucker, owner of a nearby salon, started a fundraiser for Mr Balasuryla to repair and restock his store. The target was £10,000 and currently she’s raised over £14,000.

Other people who live in the area have rallied around the mosque, causing the Imam, Ibrahim Hussein, to say he felt like "the luckiest man in the whole country" after seeing the support of the local community.

Does all of that sound like a failure of integration to you? Or social disintegration?

No, because it’s the very opposite and that’s what you/the rioters don’t want to see. It’s community acceptance of different faiths and cultures, it’s community cohesion and people standing up for their neighbours, regardless of background or origin.

And that’s what frightens all of you.

That’s why you seek to terrorise.



The excuse that was seized upon by racists (yes racists) was the horrible deaths of three young girls.

Immediately they mobilised to attack a mosque.

They broke into and looted £10k worth of goods from a convenience store run by Chanaka Balasuryla. Why?

They attacked dozens of police officers, putting 27 in hospital.

They destroyed the property of local people still grieving these children.

The everyday people of Southport (and other targets), working adults, parents, are footing the bill for this criminal attack on their community.

And the community of Southport has rejected the racists’ behaviour and motives, by helping to repair the damage. Local people, tradesmen, including builders and brickies, have given their labour free of charge to restore the area.

View attachment 6506

Rose Tucker, owner of a nearby salon, started a fundraiser for Mr Balasuryla to repair and restock his store. The target was £10,000 and currently she’s raised over £14,000.

Other people who live in the area have rallied around the mosque, causing the Imam, Ibrahim Hussein, to say he felt like "the luckiest man in the whole country" after seeing the support of the local community.

Does all of that sound like a failure of integration to you? Or social disintegration?

No, because it’s the very opposite and that’s what you/the rioters don’t want to see. It’s community acceptance of different faiths and cultures, it’s community cohesion and people standing up for their neighbours, regardless of background or origin.

And that’s what frightens all of you.

That’s why you seek to terrorise.

Thank you.

All uphill

Well-Known Member
LeeAnderthal, thick as pigshit and three times as toxic.
I just hope his retraction came in time, before CXRandy set off to throw bricks at the Travelodge.


The excuse that was seized upon by racists (yes racists) was the horrible deaths of three young girls.

Immediately they mobilised to attack a mosque.

They broke into and looted £10k worth of goods from a convenience store run by Chanaka Balasuryla. Why?

They attacked dozens of police officers, putting 27 in hospital.

They destroyed the property of local people still grieving these children.

The everyday people of Southport (and other targets), working adults, parents, are footing the bill for this criminal attack on their community.

And the community of Southport has rejected the racists’ behaviour and motives, by helping to repair the damage. Local people, tradesmen, including builders and brickies, have given their labour free of charge to restore the area.

View attachment 6506

Rose Tucker, owner of a nearby salon, started a fundraiser for Mr Balasuryla to repair and restock his store. The target was £10,000 and currently she’s raised over £14,000.

Other people who live in the area have rallied around the mosque, causing the Imam, Ibrahim Hussein, to say he felt like "the luckiest man in the whole country" after seeing the support of the local community.

Does all of that sound like a failure of integration to you? Or social disintegration?

No, because it’s the very opposite and that’s what you/the rioters don’t want to see. It’s community acceptance of different faiths and cultures, it’s community cohesion and people standing up for their neighbours, regardless of background or origin.

And that’s what frightens all of you.

That’s why you seek to terrorise.
Spot on.
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