Deleted member 28
Im not disabled….but she would know
Im not disabled….but she would know
trolls are people that pop into threads and post things not about the thread……thats you
I have to say I do like the visuals of a Mondrian, it speaks to both a creative and a logical/mathematical mind.
Im not disabled….but she would know
If you want this forum to survive, the answer is simple:
Do not feed trolls. Ever.
Look at this thread; nine pages of mostly tit-for-tat nonsense that is giving trolls *exactly* what they want.
Well, how would my Mother know?
As I have said previously, at least now it's mostly isolated to this thread. As sentient human beings, we can all see what his pathetic antics are about, but now we have a thread exclusive for the stupid c*nts annihilation.
It's a shame that he'll carry on, trolling this forum, and carrying his venom over onto the main site, but that's on him, not us.
Give up fella…i dony farking like you, your a prick of the highest order.
Again…another post in the other place from andyrm, spilling over from here. Cant help himself
what was that about self moderation @winjim
Im not carrying any venom over to the other site…..its you and 4 others that posted about this place over there and not me, but you keep telling yourself otherwise.
Yes and no. I was wavering but now I'm convinced that his aim is to get this place closed down. Having failed with his initial torrents of abuse which were designed to provoke us into reporting him, which would mean intruding on the main site moderation, he had a brief period of seeming reasonable. Now he's moved on to the tactic of trying to provoke us into talking about his bad NCAP behaviour on the main forum thread he started, thus again intruding with NCAP arguments on a main site thread. See how desperate he is to point out how other people are supposedly brelaking the rules while he himself is squeaky clean?
The question is, should I report my concerns as he's obviously dragged NCAP trolling onto the main site, or wlould that feed into the narrative that we on this forum are incapable of self moderation?
You literally started a thread about swearing and how butthurt you were about everything on the main site.
You can't handle it here.
All you can do is get all mad under your bridge. It's ridiculous. Hell, I've even drawn a picture of you in the past, which really is cooler than you'll ever be.
View attachment 2010
The best answer, which I have, sadly, lately failed to abide by, is to ignore him. (Please note, if you are watching Jowwy that this is not a moderator request but a common sense approach to self-moderation). This will work, as I have proved with similar treatment to my kids and granddaughter when they have craved attention by being naughty and using words like "poo" to shock.
He is clearly regarded in much the same way on both sites and actually revels in the exposure and his self-diagnosed victimhood. Even a harmless and quite interesting thread such as garden improvement goes pear-shaped if he is disagreed with.
Anyone taking an unbiased observer look at this forum in the last couple of months can link the fall in standards to his joining the site, and make their own minds up about his motivation.