I think it really does matter why they're doing it .
It's not 'the same'.
Low (and no) wage people are struggling to survive in this country and abroad .
The reasons for that are politically driven, deliberately caused injustice in our economic system, driven by many factors, greed and exploitation mainly
Not because of someone dropping gum wrappers..
I'm not condoning littering here, but saying that people shouldn't protest because of a sudden solidarity with low waged workers is spurious to say the least.
It's the lowest waged who are, and will be most affected by climate change.
Well we are finally getting to the point now. Does the end justify the means?
In the case of MLK, yes, definitely. Black Americans didn't have equal access to the ballot box and until they did they couldn't bring about an end to segregation etc. They had no alternative.
To suggest that chucking milk around Waitrose is even remotely comparable to the actions of black Americans in the 1960's is a crass appropriation of the black struggle for equality.
If you think the FPTP system is what's stopping green policies being enacted, campaign for PR. But noone wants to spend years building a campaign and a movement when you can do the one off big gesture.
While appropriating the black civil rights movement to castigate UK white kids chucking around milk and sh*t is daringly to extemporise, I suppose.
It was the OP who made the original comparison, and you've supported it.
If you're going to equate the one off antics of a sh*t throwing white middle class medical school drop out to the decades long campaigning of Rosa Parkes it's not surprising people find it ridiculous. In 10 years time the I-crapped-in-a-bucket-for-climate-change girl will have taken her A* star A level results and got a nice middle class job. Whereas Rosa Parkes would still be sitting at the back of the bus.
You should run your 'crap-in-a-bucket-girl = Rosa Parkes' theory past some black people. I'd love to know what they think.