Meat is (climate) Murder....

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Part of the solution mentiined is legislation that forces farmers to inject the excrements under the soil.

Sadly, as we know, this government sets the health and well being bar very low.

What would be more useful is facilitating farmers to do nutrient recycling more sustainably.
Effluent waste 'injection into soils, isn't particularly good for soils or soil life .

But facilitating that and food waste recycling, and sewage sludge treatment in a more sustainable way, takes joined up thinking, and some degree of adaptation of farming systems.

It's doable practically, but financially when farmers are already up against it, and politically when govs have a very hands off approach to environmental protection, there's little incentive or even ability to adopt these alternative methods.

Some are already doing it because of 'principal' or say if they are organically certificated, or they can afford it, others might like to but just aren't able to for a variety of reasons

Whilst policy dictates that 'the market' (lowest common denominator of standards) dictates everything, then we will probably end up making rather slow and patchy gains.


Whilst we just had the total horror of 18,000 long suffering beef cattle being burned to death, no political party seems to be tackling the reality of their grim reality or the resulting climate reality.

The lobby industry wants to prolong the suffering and expected resultant human extinction.


Senior Member
Whilst we just had the total horror of 18,000 long suffering beef cattle being burned to death, no political party seems to be tackling the reality of their grim reality or the resulting climate reality.

The lobby industry wants to prolong the suffering and expected resultant human extinction.

Humans won’t be extinct for many thousands of years. If the dinosaurs didn’t become extinct then humans wouldn’t have evolved. We really don’t mean anything it’s just the extra intelligence through evolution makes us think we are something special. In good time the next thing will take our place. It’s just the universe doing what it does.
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