NACA Political Jokes Page

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Do you Remember


Do you Remember


Senior Member
Yes, it's better to aim high.

But where do you draw the line for members of government?

Are motoring offences acceptable? What about legal examples of clear immorality?
What about long-expired minor offences? (say shoplifting at age 18, by a politician now aged 58?)

Should a convicted criminal - time served - always be henceforth limited in their career options? Is forgiveness/redemption ever OK in UK society?

That is what I have been saying to my wife
If someone did something bad or stupid some time ago - has admitted it and been punished and time has gone by and they have shown they have changed their life
Then they should not be judged by their former life
maybe there are limits - but having a former drug addict helping make decisions about drug policy is not a bad move

If you go the other way then you end up with any "sin" of any kind being deemed as making you inadmissable as an MP
and then you are dependant on the people defining what a sin is

We are fine with having a man in Parliament - even as PM - who has been known to have affairs when married and - well other things
so where if the limit??

I would certainly think that people who have been punished and then proved over time that they have changed should be allowed

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