NACA Political Jokes Page

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Deleted member 28

Disagreed about dobbing people in about using mobile phones in their cars, just because I don't do it and others do I'm a Troll.

Deleted member 28

Why ever not.

We've got no mods that I've seen.

Or is it just not very funny.??

It's ok, the standards of humour round here are pretty low, on the whole.

As you've observed.

I'm sure people won't laugh at you .

Or maybe they will...

That's sort of the point right ??

Obv you wouldn't post anything that brought the site into disrepute.
I posted one up about the Taliban once and had a week's ban so no I doubt they would be funny to people on here.


Disagreed about dobbing people in about using mobile phones in their cars, just because I don't do it and others do I'm a Troll.
Its not usually 'disagreement' as such that makes for trolling.
It's the way that you disagree.

Fwiw Id agree on the dobbing in - vehicles are dangerous enough - even when drivers are paying attention.

Personally I quite like being alive.

I posted one up about the Taliban once and had a week's ban so no I doubt they would be funny to people on here.

Hmm well .

Maybe it's the way you tell em ??

Pale Rider

The mods over there have been successfully played by some members in the past.

Regrettably, squawking 'troll' at someone who disagrees with you can work.

As regards jokes, I've cracked a couple which have got the woke brigade frothing at the mouth, which is amusing in itself.


Welcome yourself into the new modern crisis
Context, innit. There's a vast gulf between what I would say to my mates, whose core values and sense of humour I am pretty certain of, and what I would think acceptable to write on an ostensibly family friendly cycling forum populated and read by people I don't know.


Context, innit. There's a vast gulf between what I would say to my mates, whose core values and sense of humour I am pretty certain of, and what I would think acceptable to write on an ostensibly family friendly cycling forum populated and read by people I don't know.

Exactly, I'll make all sorts of jokes to my mates..

Because they understand my core values, and know me well.

That I'd never do on here, because the context and nuance would be lost.

The concepts of context, and nuance, seem to be a bit lost on some people though.



Welcome yourself into the new modern crisis
Anyhow, not really sure this is 'political'

But it does seem that as soon as you mention anything around women's rights, or equality, or take issue with homophobia, around here you get painted as a uber-radicalised social justice warrior.

View attachment 39

Someone else's turn now - surely.
See also: the existence of heterosexual women as evidence that sexuality is not a choice.


See also: the existence of heterosexual women as evidence that sexuality is not a choice.

Ha ha.
Very good.^_^

There's been more than one occasion upon which I've wished I batted for my side :laugh:


Active Member
An unmissable invitation for a juvenile limerick.

The boy stood on the burning deck
Playing a game of cricket
The ball ran up his trouser leg
And stumped his middle wicket
Less subtle PR, but the same result.... but the second line is actually, "His pocket full of crackers".
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Active Member
There was a young man from Darjeeling
Who got on a bus bound for Ealing.
It said on the door,
"Do not spit on the floor."
So he lay down and spat on the ceiling.

Boom, boom. [1964]


There was a young man from Darjeeling
Who got on a bus bound for Ealing.
It said on the door,
"Do not spit on the floor."
So he lay down and spat on the ceiling.

Boom, boom. [1964]

Umm ..

You know how we're not allowed to do politics anywhere else..??

Maybe we could have an injunction agin cheesey non political limericks here??

Don't want to get all backseat modder n all but:rolleyes:

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