No Shamima Begum Thread?

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Well-Known Member
Thought this would have been a hot topic of debate on here.

Looking in and see no thread visible.
Is everyone in agreement that she deserved to lose her British Citizenship as she is a threat to National Security, and the Home Secretary and the 2 tribunals ( so far) are correct - or does no one care about the story?


Über Member
It has been.

There’s a lengthy thread with various views expressed here. Granted, it is under the thread title Rees Mogg and he expresses an opinion that I agree with.

Probably better adding your point(s) about the development in the case there rather than having a duplicate thread.

Deleted member 28

I touched on it in the 'good news thread', I think people have missed an opportunity.


Reading around the chip
Looking in and see no thread visible.

Allow me to introduce you to the Search function.



Well-Known Member
AT the risk of getting shouted at I think is was totally wrong to remove her Citizenship

I suspect she may be a risk and should not be allowed over here unless under strict control

However, she is our problem, she does not have any other citizenship. WHwether or not she can apply for it is irrelevant
I have been told that if she goes to Bangladesh(??) she will probably be executed anyway

If she did something wrong - such as joining a terrorist organisation - then she needs to be tried and imprisoned for that - but I have seen little or no actualy evidence that she did anythingtruely evil

I also note the the recent 'appeal' was purely on whether or not Javid was entitled to remove her citizenship - and it said he was. However, it also commented that she had been groomed and trafficed from the UK when still a child

If this had been shown to happen to anyone else they would be regarded a a victim unless actual proof was shown otherwise

evil she may - or may not be - but she needs to have a fair trial before being sentenced to life imprisonment in a refugee camp or anything else


Reading around the chip
Thanks, but that just brings us back to this thread? 🤷‍♂️

No - it suggests threads with the search words in the title. When you hit the Search button it shows all the results, most of which are in the thread linked by GC. On forums, when people claim they can't find a thread on a topic, it often just means they don't intend to look, because they want to start their own anyway.


Old man on a bike. Not a member of a clique.
South Tyneside
I watched the short interview of Ms Begum, on National News (BBC, probably, but, not sure). She did not parsoannly claim she was trafficked, she did say, she had a made a choice, Choices have consequences, and, she would have to live with that (or words to that effect). She actually went up in my estimation, not that that makes the slightest difference to her plight.


Well-Known Member
I saw the full documentary
It did seem to try and find out evidence from other sources and came up witha few people - none of whom seem to be fully trustworthy and very little bad anyway

As a result I still have not seen anything that says she did any of the really bad stuff like beheading people - which has been claimed

Of course, you need to bear in mind that many of the witnesses to anything she may have done may be dead - for one reason or another but that applies to whether she was just trying to survive or being a full member of the horror


Well-Known Member
There are hundreds of known ISIS fighters who returned to the UK.
Isn’t it strange that this one high profile girl/woman has been singled out when others have quietly returned to the UK.
She’s our problem, bring her home and deal with her here.

She was groomed and radicalised. Her babies died as she had human heads in buckets. I don’t know if she’d pose any danger to us now. I’m leaning on the side of caution to leave her over there. It is strange how men have been allowed back though.


No - it suggests threads with the search words in the title. When you hit the Search button it shows all the results, most of which are in the thread linked by GC. On forums, when people claim they can't find a thread on a topic, it often just means they don't intend to look, because they want to start their own anyway.

I will just say that it takes Two to Tango.
I've said before that we should take her back, pressing charges if appropriate. Mainly based on her age when she went there. My only concern is that they seem so keen to keep her out, considering others have returned, that there might be something major that we aren't being told. That she was a willing major party in some atrocity but there isn't enough evidence to prosecute, for example.


Well-Known Member
I've said before that we should take her back, pressing charges if appropriate. Mainly based on her age when she went there. My only concern is that they seem so keen to keep her out, considering others have returned, that there might be something major that we aren't being told. That she was a willing major party in some atrocity but there isn't enough evidence to prosecute, for example.

Right on the money. A lot of the gory details are classified.
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