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He was a fairly ruthless and savvy spin doctor. He's fairly clever and very oily. I'd have thought he was an ideal diplomat for the USA. He will be well placed to massage Trump's ego in the correct way to get the results that the PM wants.

He is very oleaginous, but he is also very experienced.

Nobody said effective politicians have to be likeable.


He is very oleaginous, but he is also very experienced.
Nobody said effective politicians have to be likeable.
Agreed. We tried "look at the funny man" with Boris. That went well.


Active Member
Agreed. We tried "look at the funny man" with Boris. That went well.
Sime time back I stopped using the "Boris" and switched to Johnson. "Boris" seems to have an element of lovable rogue, cheeky chappy, etc. something I felt he played on and used to be given far too much leeway by to many people. "Johnson" doesn't have such tones.



Active Member
Aren’t they the same thing?
They might be hoping not to vomit, desperate to hide their grimace whilst kissing the ring then rushing out to have a disinfection shower afterwards.

Maybe it took some strategist 3 days of argument to convince CEO to swallow his pride, temporarily overrule his ethics, etc. in the interests of the shareholders.

They could be different but we certainly wont know until after the Trump dynasty, maybe not even then.



Active Member
Re: Mandelson "Seeing the Light"
As discussed earlier Mandelson's new found admiration for Trump is so OTT I think it will be interesting to see if it's believed by Trump. Several people who know him (eg some very involved in Labour whilst Mandelson was active) seem to be suggesting (pretty explicitly) that he is spouting drivel that even he doesn't believe in order to smooth his appointment. But it's so OTT I can't see how anybody (not even Trump) would believe it.



Legendary Member
Re: Mandelson "Seeing the Light"
As discussed earlier Mandelson's new found admiration for Trump is so OTT I think it will be interesting to see if it's believed by Trump. Several people who know him (eg some very involved in Labour whilst Mandelson was active) seem to be suggesting (pretty explicitly) that he is spouting drivel that even he doesn't believe in order to smooth his appointment. But it's so OTT I can't see how anybody (not even Trump) would believe it.


Does Trump need to believe it? Maybe he just enjoys it? After all it is a fact free world these days.
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Does Trump need to believe it? Maybe he just enjoys it? After all it is a fact free world these days.
Reportedly the one thing Trump doesn't like is people disagreeing with him or ridiculing him. So as long as Lord Varys Mandelson massages his ego and whispers sweet nothings in his ear, he will look upon us favourably. When you appoint a mad King, you learn to tap the madness to your own advantage.

Ian H

Legendary Member
"Spit not in the room, but in the Corner, and rub it with thy foot."
[Advice to children in 1744]

Does this advice still stand?
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