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Mr Celine

Well-Known Member
I read, somewhere long ago, about a Finnish/Saami origin for Father Christmas. Saami shamans would get intoxicated on fly agaric (red & white) mushrooms, climb on to roofs and climb or shout down chimneys to ward off evil spirits.

According to my mushroom guidebook the consumption of fly agaric mushrooms can give a sensation of flying. Reindeer like eating them so much that the Sammi use fly agaric to help round them up!


“You sit on a throne of lies!”
I’ve seen Elf six times, so I know Santa is from the North Pole.
Indeed. I've been to see the real Santa in Lapland with the kiddies.


Reading around the chip
Lunch breaks are a workers' rights issue. It sounds frivolous but it's important if the prospective PM has a 'lunch breaks are for wimps' mentality.

Take your breaks, people. Don't work any longer or take on any more responsibility than you are being compensated for.


But also, it's incoherent, bellicose nonsense, plucked out of thin air to sound red-blooded and anti "woke". Unfortunately we have a media culture in which it's considered impolite for journalists to push back against blatant and unmitigated horseshit, so they lap this stuff up. What does she do when the steak is brought to her if she doesn't stop to eat it from a plate? Does she just chew away at it from her hands during briefings or cabinet meetings or when working at a laptop, dripping and smearing beefy juices all over the ivory damask, Rishi's bouclé armchairs, or SamCam's yellow velvet sofa? Or does a servant have to cut it up in little pieces and pop it into her mouth in between lies?

It's boringly technocratic that Starmer has a repertoire of two sandwiches for lunch, and it's much more conducive to workaholism and al desco eating than Badenoch's made-up steak, but even an association with the man well on the way to becoming the most despised prime minister in living memory isn't enough to kill the sandwich, or the dread Meal Deal, as a British lunch convention. If I were her, I wouldn't pick a war on sandwiches as the hill to die on.


It's boringly technocratic that Starmer has a repertoire of two sandwiches for lunch
You say that but is it *really* two sandwiches, or one cut in half? White bread or granary? Is it always a sliced, or does he like a cheeky baguette.... I think we should be told...

the man well on the way to becoming the most despised prime minister in living memory i
I think he has a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong way to go to even get on the podium... Being "a bit dull" isn't close to crashing the economy for 30 billion or killing off hundreds of thousands of voters or starting a war in the middle east over invisible weapons.

If I were her, I wouldn't pick a war on sandwiches as the hill to die on.
Here we are united.


Well-Known Member
In my decades as a corporate drone, I have learned to distrust anyone with a "lunch is for wimps" attitude. It has, in my experience, be born of a deep seated insecurity that manifests itself in needing everyone to know how busy they are.


Über Member
In my decades as a corporate drone, I have learned to distrust anyone with a "lunch is for wimps" attitude. It has, in my experience, be born of a deep seated insecurity that manifests itself in needing everyone to know how busy they are.

I’ve worked with people like that. The kind that save all their emails up so they can send them at 8pm, pretending they’re working harder/longer than anyone else. Wankėrs.


Reading around the chip
Admittedly I am enjoying this (non)story a bit too much, but I wanna see Badenoch attempt to cook a steak. Absolutely nailed-on that it's a disaster. That Sargon of Akkad wanker is currently getting cooked by the menswear guy over the uncanny inability of red-meat fascists to deliver on the promise of their simple beefy dinners.

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