He does still have to operate in the real world. And the Lords has an artificially large conservative majority. (No prizes for guessing why)
I'm unsure about this. Starmer's focus is on measures in his Party Manifesto and Lords has an :understanding" that it doesn't block manifesto based legislation. It might still review and detect loopholes or shortcomings which is still useful but not block - so any opposition majority should not badly disrupt Starmer. And if it does all he has to do is make it clear that should the HoL block (rather than scrutinise) legislation he regards as important then he can always "stuff the Lords with Labour peers".
They are already looking to abolish hereditary peers and make other changes.
I would be in favour of a 10 year policy. Most people get peerages in their 50/60s so that seems fair.
I can see the value of the HoL in terms of revising or blocking bad legislation, particvularly as the Commons seems to routinely try to pass poorly targeted legislation with loads of loopholes. I don't think an elected HoL would be any more than a duplication of the Commons, inappropriate party poodles selected by the leadership to do the Party Leader's bidding. But then an HoL appointed by the Party Leaders is probably even worse.
It seems a real shame how pervasive Political Parties have become. PCCs being an example - what justiofication is there for PCCs to be political party based, that LAbour put forward their candidate for PCC, Conservatoves put theirs forward, etc. Daft. It should have nothing to do with Party Politics but since it's introduction seems yet another Political Party vote. Daft to the point where I suspect I could never actually vote for a conservative PCC even if they were the best candidate because of the emotional struggle I'd have putting an "X" against a Conservative Candidate.
If I had to set the HoL membership system today I'd probably go for a proportional representation election system of a 10/15 year rolling basis, maybe election of ⅓ of house every 5 years. Very strict limits on Party election funding, maybe no Party identifiers allowed on any election materials nor on polling slips. Maybe even no election funding, just a CV (with no "policies") for all candidates distributed with public funding eg who I am, what/experience I can offer, etc. But then the trouble with Proportional Representation is that it is party based in that you mostly vote for a party not an individual. But I'm certainly very open to any other suggestions.