There is a difference which anyone with any intelligence can spot.
Thin skinned? Please don't tell me you think I give much of a toss about all the whining and bleating replies to my posts.
Every post I've made in NACA for nine years has been disagreed with - it doesn't bother me one bit.
But I won't always tolerate personal snipes, and as I keep on saying, will return fire if I feel like it.
Is there any chance you can make a post on topic?
I appreciate you are far more interested in sniping at me, but try to be just a little grown up for a change.
Snipe, snipe, snipe.
You have no answer to my posts on topic do you?
Instead, let's take it in turns to snipe at Pale Rider and pat each other on the back for it, turning the thread into a cretinous little echo chamber.
Brilliant, well done.
I'm sure three, or maybe as many as four, people will be impressed.
Not at all a snipe, just a mildly humourous observation.
But your snarling invective, and personally directed negativity. ??
That of course is entirely reasonable in the eyes of anyone
intelligent right?
And who would that be
Exactly ?
Of course this all goes along with the supposedly beleagured 'maverick outsider'
'Sticking up for the side of the rightists, against the plague of limp and lily livered leftists'
It's all wearing dreadfully thin Tbh.
Anyway, you
totally don't care what anyone thinks, because clearly your opinions are absolutely the very last word in perspicacity.
Despite over half the time nothing much is actually said, except for you expressing
your own view that everyone
else is stupid, or ignorant, or moaning or whinging..
Same old Tory bore rhetoric, looking down on anyone with even
slightly progressive views.
Nothing new to see here.
You're quite right Shep.
Wayyy too many words.
Have you come to liven things up with a fun cartoon, instead.?
I mean I started this thread to talk about the language used in political exchange.
What helps, what doesn't..
But could it be we're on the wrong tack altogether.??
Maybe everyone should be communicating via other means?
Flamenco dancing perhaps?? 💃 💃💃💃