As already pointed out negro as used there is the Spanish word for black. It's exactly the same spelling in, for example, Freixenet Cordon Negro Spanish Cava.
If the object was female the word would be negra.
The item is supplied from Spain so it's unsurprising that the Spanish language is used.
It's not got the slightest relevance to how a black person is referred to in the English language.
Yebbut that's context Brommers.
Ain't nobody got time for that..

The good news however, is it that all this goofing about, is that I've had a little word with myself over neglecting my Spanish studies..
Not only for better holiday comms, but earlier this month I realised how very useful it would be in International Union work.
- assuming we're ever allowed to go anywhere ever again.

So more time doing that from now on I think, a bit less time annoying random cyclists online..
